Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.12 kB Step 1 : FROM sabayon/rpi-armhfp ---> 93e4039ccb93 Step 2 : MAINTAINER mudler ---> Using cache ---> 36a154cd7975 Step 3 : ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 ---> Using cache ---> 37416c108e35 Step 4 : ADD ./scripts/ / ---> 5a8dab1564ea Removing intermediate container 4723f6ab30ac Step 5 : RUN /bin/bash / && rm -rf / ---> Running in cc53e6005507 >>> Regenerating /etc/ Upgrading system by enabling sabayon-limbo ☛ Repository sabayon-limbo hasn't been downloaded yet. ☛ Repository sabayon-limbo is not available. Cannot validate ☛ RepositoryError() ☛ !!! Please update your repositories now in order to remove this message! ╠ [sabayon-limbo] repository enabled ☛ Repository sabayon-limbo hasn't been downloaded yet. ☛ Repository sabayon-limbo is not available. Cannot validate ☛ RepositoryError() ☛ !!! Please update your repositories now in order to remove this message! ╠ @@ Repositories synchronization ... ╠ # Sabayon Limbo Testing Repository ╠ # Repository URL: [bz2] ╠ # Repository URL: [bz2] ╠ # Repository local path: /var/lib/entropy/client/database/armv7l/sabayon-limbo/standard/armv7l/5 ╠ # Repository API: 2 ╠ # (1/2) Scanning URL: [bz2] ╠ # Selected URL: [bz2] ╠ Downloading repository ... ╠ [F]: 65.5/245.7 kB <-> 26% [==> ] => 3.6MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ Downloading checksum packages.db.dumplight.bz2.md5 ... ╠ Downloading repository metafile packages.db.meta ... ╠ packages.db.meta: available, w00t!. ╠ << unpacked meta file: 00-sabayon.package.use ╠ << unpacked meta file: make.conf ╠ << unpacked meta file: package.keywords ╠ << unpacked meta file: package.mask ╠ << unpacked meta file: package.unmask ╠ << unpacked meta file: package.use ╠ << unpacked meta file: packages.db.revision ╠ << unpacked meta file: signature.asc ╠ Downloading GPG signature of repository metafile packages.db.meta.asc ... ╠ packages.db.meta.asc: available, w00t!. ╠ Downloading Notice Board notice.rss ... ╠ notice.rss: not available, it's ok. ╠ Repository revision: 56 ╠ Checking downloaded repository packages.db.dumplight.bz2 ... ╠ Downloaded repository status: OK ╠ Installing GPG key for repository: sabayon-limbo ╠ Successfully installed GPG key for repository: sabayon-limbo ╠ Fingerprint: FCC11455E96BDABC11F6CB7920B7C48DCF8887CB ☛ Make sure to verify the imported key and set an appropriate trust level: ☛  $ gpg --homedir '/etc/entropy/client-gpg-keys' --edit-key 'FCC11455E96BDABC11F6CB7920B7C48DCF8887CB' ╠ @@ Verifying GPG signature of: packages.db.meta ... ╠ @@ Verified GPG signature of: packages.db.meta ╠ @@ Verifying GPG signature of: packages.db.dumplight.bz2 ... ╠ @@ Verified GPG signature of: packages.db.dumplight.bz2 ╠ Unpacking database to packages.db.dumplight ... ╠ Injecting downloaded dump packages.db.dumplight, please wait ... ╠ Indexing Repository metadata ... ╠ # Sabayon Linux Official Repository ╠ # Repository URL: [bz2] ╠ # Repository URL: [bz2] ╠ # Repository local path: /var/lib/entropy/client/database/armv7l/ ╠ # Repository API: 2 ╠ # (1/2) Scanning URL: [bz2] ╠ # Selected URL: [bz2] ╠ Downloading repository ... ╠ [F]: 16.4/3298.6 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 29.8kB/sec : ETA: 1m:50s ╠ [F]: 188.4/3298.6 kB <-> 5% [> ] => 252.2kB/sec : ETA: 12s ╠ [F]: 532.5/3298.6 kB <-> 16% [=> ] => 337.8kB/sec : ETA: 8s ╠ [F]: 991.2/3298.6 kB <-> 30% [===> ] => 465.8kB/sec : ETA: 5s ╠ [F]: 1499.1/3298.6 kB <-> 45% [====> ] => 570.9kB/sec : ETA: 3s ╠ [F]: 2015.2/3298.6 kB <-> 61% [======> ] => 642.8kB/sec : ETA: 2s ╠ [F]: 2433.0/3298.6 kB <-> 73% [=======> ] => 678.4kB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ [F]: 2949.1/3298.6 kB <-> 89% [========> ] => 712.5kB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ Downloading checksum packages.db.dumplight.bz2.md5 ... ╠ Downloading repository metafile packages.db.meta ... ╠ packages.db.meta: available, w00t!. ╠ << unpacked meta file: 00-sabayon.package.use ╠ << unpacked meta file: make.conf ╠ << unpacked meta file: package.keywords ╠ << unpacked meta file: package.mask ╠ << unpacked meta file: package.unmask ╠ << unpacked meta file: package.use ╠ << unpacked meta file: packages.db.revision ╠ << unpacked meta file: signature.asc ╠ Downloading GPG signature of repository metafile packages.db.meta.asc ... ╠ packages.db.meta.asc: available, w00t!. ╠ Downloading Notice Board notice.rss ... ╠ notice.rss: not available, it's ok. ╠ Repository revision: 23 ╠ Checking downloaded repository packages.db.dumplight.bz2 ... ╠ Downloaded repository status: OK ╠ GPG key already installed for: ☛  Make sure to verify the imported key and set an appropriate trust level: ☛  $ gpg --homedir '/etc/entropy/client-gpg-keys' --edit-key 'F96DEF6B01C5BDAEB1BADB8CB116DA6F114D935D' ╠ @@ Verifying GPG signature of: packages.db.meta ... ╠ @@ Verified GPG signature of: packages.db.meta ╠ @@ Verifying GPG signature of: packages.db.dumplight.bz2 ... ╠ @@ Verified GPG signature of: packages.db.dumplight.bz2 ╠ Unpacking database to packages.db.dumplight ... ╠ Injecting downloaded dump packages.db.dumplight, please wait ... ╠ Indexing Repository metadata ... ╠ @@ Security Advisories: getting latest advisories ... ╠ # Security Advisories: Verifying checksum ... ╠ # Security Advisories: verification successful. ╠ @@ Security Advisories: updated successfully ╠ @@ Notice board: sabayon-limbo ╠ @@ Notice board: ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 249.0kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 300.8kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 0.0b/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 162.1kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 856.1kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 579.8kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 929.7kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 515.6kB/sec ╠ [sabayon-limbo] mirror order: ╠ 1. ╠ 2. ╠ 3. ╠ 4. ╠ 5. ╠ 6. ╠ 7. ╠ 8. ╠ [sabayon-limbo] mirrors sorted successfully ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 0.0b/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 0.0b/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 0.0b/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 0.0b/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 0.0b/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 0.0b/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 0.0b/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 0.0b/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 13.9kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 501.9kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 147.3kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 268.8kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 361.9kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 335.5kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 547.4kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 406.1kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 1.3MB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 641.6kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 592.1kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 529.8kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 615.7kB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 1.0MB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 5.5MB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 5.6MB/sec ╠ @@ Checking speed of: ╠ @@ Mirror speed:, 3.3MB/sec ╠ [] mirror order: ╠ 1. ╠ 2. ╠ 3. ╠ 4. ╠ 5. ╠ 6. ╠ 7. ╠ 8. ╠ 9. ╠ 10. ╠ 11. ╠ 12. ╠ 13. ╠ 14. ╠ 15. ╠ 16. ╠ 17. ╠ 18. ╠ 19. ╠ 20. ╠ 21. ╠ 22. ╠ 23. ╠ 24. ╠ 25. ╠ [] mirrors sorted successfully ╠ @@ Calculating System Updates: ╠ :: (0.2%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (9.1%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (9.3%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (9.6%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (9.8%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (10.0%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (19.1%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (19.3%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (19.5%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (19.7%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (20.0%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (29.1%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (29.3%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (29.5%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (29.7%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (29.9%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (39.1%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (39.3%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (39.5%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (39.7%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (39.9%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (49.0%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (49.3%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (49.5%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (49.7%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (49.9%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (59.0%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (59.2%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (59.4%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (59.7%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (59.9%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (69.0%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (69.2%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (69.4%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (69.6%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (69.9%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (79.2%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (79.4%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (79.6%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (79.8%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (89.2%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (89.4%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (89.6%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (89.8%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (99.2%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (99.4%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (99.6%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (99.8%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (100.0%) Calculating updates :: ╠ @@ Calculating dependencies... ╠ :: (1.6%) Sorting dependencies :: ╠ :: (15.9%) Sorting dependencies :: ╠ :: (31.7%) Sorting dependencies :: ╠ :: (47.6%) Sorting dependencies :: ╠ :: (63.5%) Sorting dependencies :: ╠ :: (79.4%) Sorting dependencies :: ╠ :: (95.2%) Sorting dependencies :: ╠ :: (100.0%) Sorting dependencies :: ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/sudo-1.8.17_p1|1 [1.8.16|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/eselect-1.4.6|1 [1.4.5|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-blas-0.1|2 [0.1|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-lapack-0.1|2 [0.1|1] ╠ ## [N] [] dev-libs/libpipeline-1.4.1|0 ╠ ## [N] [] sys-apps/man-db-2.7.5|0 ╠ ## [N] [] app-text/manpager-1|0 ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/lz4-0_p131-r1|0 [0_p131|2] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-fontconfig-1.1-r1|0 [1.1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/bzip2-1.0.6-r7|1 [1.0.6-r7|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-shells/bash-4.3_p46-r1|0 [4.3_p42-r1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-mesa-0.0.10|2 [0.0.10|1] ╠ ## [U] [] dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2j|0 [1.0.2g-r3|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/libarchive-3.2.1-r5|0 [3.1.2-r4|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4|2 [1.3.1-r4|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.20.2|1 [2.18.3|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk-2.20.1|1 [2.18.1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] x11-libs/gtk+-3.20.8|0 [3.18.6|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/gcr-3.20.0|0 [3.18.0|1] ╠ ## [N] [] virtual/man-0-r1|0 ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/sabayon-version-16.09|1 [16.06|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/pinentry-qt4-0.9.5|2 [0.9.5|1] ╠ ## [U] [] net-misc/wget-1.18|0 [1.17.1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] dev-libs/nspr-4.12|0 [4.11|0] ╠ ## [U] [] dev-libs/nss-3.26|0 [3.21-r2|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/gzip-1.8|1 [1.8|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/mime-types-9|2 [9|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1|2 [0.1.1|1] ╠ ## [U] [] dev-db/mariadb-10.1.16|0 [10.1.10|4] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/xz-utils-5.2.2|1 [5.2.2|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/zip-3.0-r3|2 [3.0-r3|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/rpi-update-0_pre20160313|2 [0_pre20160313|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5|2 [0.9.5|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/sabayon-skel-16-r2|1 [15-r3|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/tar-1.29|0 [1.28-r1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/pax-utils-1.1.6|0 [1.1.4|0] ╠ ## [U] [] sys-apps/portage-2.3.0|0 [2.2.26|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.22|1 [2.21|0] ╠ ## [U] [] x11-proto/xproto-7.0.29|0 [7.0.27|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.28|2 [2.0.28|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/editor-wrapper-4|2 [4|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-editors/nano-2.6.3|1 [2.5.0|0] ╠ ## [U] [>sabayon-limbo] sys-process/cronbase-0.3.7-r3|0 [0.3.7-r1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1|0 [1.1.1|0] ╠ ## [U] [>sabayon-limbo] x11-libs/pixman-0.34.0|0 [0.32.6|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/unzip-6.0_p20|1 [6.0_p20|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/c_rehash-1.7-r1|1 [1.7-r1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/sabayon-live-20|0 [16|0] ╠ ## [U] [] sys-apps/entropy-304|0 [302|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/matter-304|0 [302|0] ╠ ## [U] [] sys-apps/entropy-server-304|0 [302|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/ca-certificates-20160104.3.23|0 [20151214.3.21|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/p11-kit-0.23.2|1 [0.23.2|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/rpm2targz-|2 [|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/equo-304|0 [302|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7|0 [0.6|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/pinentry-base-0.9.5|2 [0.9.5|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1|2 [1.1.1|1] ╠ ## [U] [] sys-kernel/linux-headers-4.3|0 [3.18|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/python-updater-0.14|2 [0.14|0] ╠ ## [U] [>sabayon-limbo] dev-python/certifi-2016.8.31|0 [2016.2.28|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.5|0 [0.18.3|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/pinentry-gnome-0.9.5|2 [0.9.5|1] ╠ ## [U] [] media-libs/libpng-1.6.25|0 [1.6.20|0] ╠ ## [U] [>sabayon-limbo] www-client/links-2.12-r2|0 [2.12-r1|1] ╠ ## [U] [>sabayon-limbo] sys-libs/timezone-data-2016f|0 [2015g|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/cpio-2.12-r1|1 [2.12-r1|0] ╠ @@ Packages needing to be installed/updated/downgraded: 67 ╠ @@ Packages needing to be removed: 0 ╠ @@ Download size: 77.2MB ╠ @@ Used disk space: 5.5MB ╠ @@ You need at least: 159.8MB of free space ╠ ::: >>> (1/67) app-admin/sudo-1.8.17_p1 ╠ ## Downloading: app-admin:sudo-1.8.17_p1.e1d009b58117e4c1d811c1c0721275899ff3fc5e~1.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 229.4/1387.8 kB <-> 16% [=> ] => 3.0MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.0MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-admin:sudo-1.8.17_p1.e1d009b58117e4c1d811c1c0721275899ff3fc5e~1.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-admin:sudo-1.8.17_p1.e1d009b58117e4c1d811c1c0721275899ff3fc5e~1.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (2/67) app-admin/eselect-1.4.6 ╠ ## Downloading: app-admin:eselect- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 4.4MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-admin:eselect-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-admin:eselect-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (3/67) app-eselect/eselect-blas-0.1 ╠ ## Downloading: app-eselect:eselect-blas-0.1.b467f0cd66d42c765ef25d7faf1497c99333020e~2.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 4.7MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-blas-0.1.b467f0cd66d42c765ef25d7faf1497c99333020e~2.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-blas-0.1.b467f0cd66d42c765ef25d7faf1497c99333020e~2.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (4/67) app-eselect/eselect-lapack-0.1 ╠ ## Downloading: app-eselect:eselect-lapack-0.1.b2d3dbb266c289ec2ef1403fdc6fba178c3c92e8~2.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 262.1/284.4 kB <-> 92% [=========>] => 4.5MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.3MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-lapack-0.1.b2d3dbb266c289ec2ef1403fdc6fba178c3c92e8~2.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-lapack-0.1.b2d3dbb266c289ec2ef1403fdc6fba178c3c92e8~2.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (5/67) dev-libs/libpipeline-1.4.1 ╠ ## Downloading: dev-libs:libpipeline- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.6MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [dev-libs:libpipeline-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [dev-libs:libpipeline-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (6/67) sys-apps/man-db-2.7.5 ╠ ## Downloading: sys-apps:man-db- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 237.6/1004.4 kB <-> 23% [==> ] => 4.5MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ [F]: 589.8/1004.4 kB <-> 58% [=====> ] => 808.2kB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ [F]: 991.2/1004.4 kB <-> 98% [=========>] => 650.0kB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 645.0kB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [sys-apps:man-db-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [sys-apps:man-db-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (7/67) app-text/manpager-1 ╠ ## Downloading: app-text:manpager-1.d03ec6c60c8b9029eca2b756dfcb47a214c2f03a~0.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.9MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-text:manpager-1.d03ec6c60c8b9029eca2b756dfcb47a214c2f03a~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-text:manpager-1.d03ec6c60c8b9029eca2b756dfcb47a214c2f03a~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (8/67) app-arch/lz4-0_p131-r1 ╠ ## Downloading: app-arch:lz4-0_p131-r1.7dfbedf397555ad894318f68f3905d907dcd85e5~0.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 245.8/400.6 kB <-> 61% [======> ] => 3.8MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.5MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-arch:lz4-0_p131-r1.7dfbedf397555ad894318f68f3905d907dcd85e5~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-arch:lz4-0_p131-r1.7dfbedf397555ad894318f68f3905d907dcd85e5~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (9/67) app-eselect/eselect-fontconfig-1.1-r1 ╠ ## Downloading: app-eselect:eselect-fontconfig-1.1-r1.2ea3fdf5d6494dc657be0b262599c38d8f62c5f6~0.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.1MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-fontconfig-1.1-r1.2ea3fdf5d6494dc657be0b262599c38d8f62c5f6~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-fontconfig-1.1-r1.2ea3fdf5d6494dc657be0b262599c38d8f62c5f6~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (10/67) app-arch/bzip2-1.0.6-r7 ╠ ## Downloading: app-arch:bzip2-1.0.6-r7.e9763267efaf6c3e6e6dc817da56b34a8a5da6cc~1.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 303.1/571.7 kB <-> 53% [=====> ] => 2.6MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.9MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-arch:bzip2-1.0.6-r7.e9763267efaf6c3e6e6dc817da56b34a8a5da6cc~1.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-arch:bzip2-1.0.6-r7.e9763267efaf6c3e6e6dc817da56b34a8a5da6cc~1.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (11/67) app-shells/bash-4.3_p46-r1 ╠ ## Downloading: app-shells:bash-4.3_p46-r1.040d52a336c1ec174eaa1156bf848c944cfc8997~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 254.0/1868.2 kB <-> 13% [=> ] => 3.5MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ [F]: 835.6/1868.2 kB <-> 44% [====> ] => 1.1MB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ [F]: 1474.6/1868.2 kB <-> 78% [=======> ] => 970.9kB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.1MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-shells:bash-4.3_p46-r1.040d52a336c1ec174eaa1156bf848c944cfc8997~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-shells:bash-4.3_p46-r1.040d52a336c1ec174eaa1156bf848c944cfc8997~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (12/67) app-eselect/eselect-mesa-0.0.10 ╠ ## Downloading: app-eselect:eselect-mesa- ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 155.6/270.7 kB <-> 57% [=====> ] => 3.3MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.7MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-mesa-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-mesa-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (13/67) dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2j ╠ ## Downloading: dev-libs:openssl-1.0.2j.00ebb0f5f08b6fc7c754c9a2daf481d5cc37d0f3~0.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 393.2/3496.4 kB <-> 11% [=> ] => 4.5MB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ [F]: 1327.1/3496.4 kB <-> 37% [===> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 2s ╠ [F]: 2695.2/3496.4 kB <-> 77% [=======> ] => 1.7MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.9MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [dev-libs:openssl-1.0.2j.00ebb0f5f08b6fc7c754c9a2daf481d5cc37d0f3~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [dev-libs:openssl-1.0.2j.00ebb0f5f08b6fc7c754c9a2daf481d5cc37d0f3~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (14/67) app-arch/libarchive-3.2.1-r5 ╠ ## Downloading: app-arch:libarchive-3.2.1-r5.57001c4e0aa2c232b744e7d40d3cea6f70800b0b~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 426.0/811.4 kB <-> 52% [=====> ] => 5.0MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.4MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-arch:libarchive-3.2.1-r5.57001c4e0aa2c232b744e7d40d3cea6f70800b0b~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-arch:libarchive-3.2.1-r5.57001c4e0aa2c232b744e7d40d3cea6f70800b0b~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (15/67) app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4 ╠ ## Downloading: app-eselect:eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4.d2c04aa870809b8089f0e83448fc3dfda4c865e7~2.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 4.3MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4.d2c04aa870809b8089f0e83448fc3dfda4c865e7~2.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4.d2c04aa870809b8089f0e83448fc3dfda4c865e7~2.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (16/67) app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.20.2 ╠ ## Downloading: app-accessibility:at-spi2-core- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 434.2/573.0 kB <-> 75% [=======> ] => 4.6MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.4MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-accessibility:at-spi2-core-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-accessibility:at-spi2-core-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (17/67) app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk-2.20.1 ╠ ## Downloading: app-accessibility:at-spi2-atk- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.6MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-accessibility:at-spi2-atk-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-accessibility:at-spi2-atk-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (18/67) x11-libs/gtk+-3.20.8 ╠ ## Downloading: x11-libs:gtk+- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 614.4/11477.2 kB <-> 5% [> ] => 5.1MB/sec : ETA: 2s ╠ [F]: 2236.4/11477.2 kB <-> 19% [=> ] => 2.2MB/sec : ETA: 4s ╠ [F]: 4816.9/11477.2 kB <-> 41% [====> ] => 3.1MB/sec : ETA: 2s ╠ [F]: 8847.4/11477.2 kB <-> 77% [=======> ] => 4.3MB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 5.0MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [x11-libs:gtk+-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [x11-libs:gtk+-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (19/67) app-crypt/gcr-3.20.0 ╠ ## Downloading: app-crypt:gcr- ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 245.8/1287.2 kB <-> 19% [=> ] => 4.1MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.8MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-crypt:gcr-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-crypt:gcr-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (20/67) virtual/man-0-r1 ╠ ## Downloading: virtual:man-0-r1.5131d343c52207efa7766df914fe564ba616bbe7~0.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 5.1MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [virtual:man-0-r1.5131d343c52207efa7766df914fe564ba616bbe7~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [virtual:man-0-r1.5131d343c52207efa7766df914fe564ba616bbe7~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (21/67) app-misc/sabayon-version-16.09 ╠ ## Downloading: app-misc:sabayon-version-16.09.d112c5d013ca8c55f7c175440f1cbb79a9e2eb70~1.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 4.6MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-misc:sabayon-version-16.09.d112c5d013ca8c55f7c175440f1cbb79a9e2eb70~1.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-misc:sabayon-version-16.09.d112c5d013ca8c55f7c175440f1cbb79a9e2eb70~1.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (22/67) app-crypt/pinentry-qt4-0.9.5 ╠ ## Downloading: app-crypt:pinentry-qt4-0.9.5.a9234aa30fdd303c5b41e00fb5431f0acc279ed5~2.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 4.0MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-crypt:pinentry-qt4-0.9.5.a9234aa30fdd303c5b41e00fb5431f0acc279ed5~2.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-crypt:pinentry-qt4-0.9.5.a9234aa30fdd303c5b41e00fb5431f0acc279ed5~2.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (23/67) net-misc/wget-1.18 ╠ ## Downloading: net-misc:wget-1.18.ff75e1dc5446e0d1852ee26bb6c3190e0ee2d0c2~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 1015.8/1032.0 kB <-> 98% [=========>] => 8.9MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.3MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [net-misc:wget-1.18.ff75e1dc5446e0d1852ee26bb6c3190e0ee2d0c2~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [net-misc:wget-1.18.ff75e1dc5446e0d1852ee26bb6c3190e0ee2d0c2~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (24/67) dev-libs/nspr-4.12 ╠ ## Downloading: dev-libs:nspr-4.12.5df306339578f492ecb896f4b75a950e91b3c5dc~0.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 147.5/554.3 kB <-> 26% [==> ] => 3.2MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.5MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [dev-libs:nspr-4.12.5df306339578f492ecb896f4b75a950e91b3c5dc~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [dev-libs:nspr-4.12.5df306339578f492ecb896f4b75a950e91b3c5dc~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (25/67) dev-libs/nss-3.26 ╠ ## Downloading: dev-libs:nss-3.26.416f89be171a674fb1a212a6ea39bb7dc2cbc237~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 827.4/3322.2 kB <-> 24% [==> ] => 3.8MB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ [F]: 2719.7/3322.2 kB <-> 81% [========> ] => 2.8MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.9MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [dev-libs:nss-3.26.416f89be171a674fb1a212a6ea39bb7dc2cbc237~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [dev-libs:nss-3.26.416f89be171a674fb1a212a6ea39bb7dc2cbc237~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (26/67) app-arch/gzip-1.8 ╠ ## Downloading: app-arch:gzip-1.8.b192f11ed4e494f0dfad294f3dc77f32c1e6711f~1.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.2MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-arch:gzip-1.8.b192f11ed4e494f0dfad294f3dc77f32c1e6711f~1.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-arch:gzip-1.8.b192f11ed4e494f0dfad294f3dc77f32c1e6711f~1.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (27/67) app-misc/mime-types-9 ╠ ## Downloading: app-misc:mime-types-9.7649c252ce4718c48bff50e1b02a0aea8b7ab27f~2.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 4.0MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-misc:mime-types-9.7649c252ce4718c48bff50e1b02a0aea8b7ab27f~2.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-misc:mime-types-9.7649c252ce4718c48bff50e1b02a0aea8b7ab27f~2.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (28/67) app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1 ╠ ## Downloading: app-eselect:eselect-lib-bin-symlink- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 4.3MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-lib-bin-symlink-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-lib-bin-symlink-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (29/67) dev-db/mariadb-10.1.16 ╠ ## Downloading: dev-db:mariadb-10.1.16.a40e1c3a59c7635d16929bccf3a3ec5d9e4222c1~0.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 499.7/34694.2 kB <-> 1% [> ] => 4.9MB/sec : ETA: 7s ╠ [F]: 1867.8/34694.2 kB <-> 5% [> ] => 1.8MB/sec : ETA: 18s ╠ [F]: 2900.0/34694.2 kB <-> 8% [> ] => 1.9MB/sec : ETA: 17s ╠ [F]: 3694.6/34694.2 kB <-> 10% [=> ] => 1.8MB/sec : ETA: 17s ╠ [F]: 4481.0/34694.2 kB <-> 12% [=> ] => 1.7MB/sec : ETA: 17s ╠ [F]: 5161.0/34694.2 kB <-> 14% [=> ] => 1.7MB/sec : ETA: 18s ╠ [F]: 5586.9/34694.2 kB <-> 16% [=> ] => 1.6MB/sec : ETA: 19s ╠ [F]: 6217.7/34694.2 kB <-> 17% [=> ] => 1.5MB/sec : ETA: 19s ╠ [F]: 7053.3/34694.2 kB <-> 20% [==> ] => 1.5MB/sec : ETA: 18s ╠ [F]: 7880.7/34694.2 kB <-> 22% [==> ] => 1.5MB/sec : ETA: 18s ╠ [F]: 8716.3/34694.2 kB <-> 25% [==> ] => 1.5MB/sec : ETA: 17s ╠ [F]: 9510.9/34694.2 kB <-> 27% [==> ] => 1.5MB/sec : ETA: 17s ╠ [F]: 9986.0/34694.2 kB <-> 28% [==> ] => 1.5MB/sec : ETA: 17s ╠ [F]: 10502.1/34694.2 kB <-> 30% [===> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 17s ╠ [F]: 11018.2/34694.2 kB <-> 31% [===> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 17s ╠ [F]: 11542.5/34694.2 kB <-> 33% [===> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 17s ╠ [F]: 12066.8/34694.2 kB <-> 34% [===> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 17s ╠ [F]: 12476.4/34694.2 kB <-> 35% [===> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 17s ╠ [F]: 13033.5/34694.2 kB <-> 37% [===> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 16s ╠ [F]: 13598.7/34694.2 kB <-> 39% [===> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 16s ╠ [F]: 14196.7/34694.2 kB <-> 40% [====> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 16s ╠ [F]: 14852.1/34694.2 kB <-> 42% [====> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 15s ╠ [F]: 15605.8/34694.2 kB <-> 44% [====> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 15s ╠ [F]: 16408.6/34694.2 kB <-> 47% [====> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 14s ╠ [F]: 17145.9/34694.2 kB <-> 49% [====> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 13s ╠ [F]: 17965.1/34694.2 kB <-> 51% [=====> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 13s ╠ [F]: 18833.4/34694.2 kB <-> 54% [=====> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 12s ╠ [F]: 19660.8/34694.2 kB <-> 56% [=====> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 11s ╠ [F]: 20512.8/34694.2 kB <-> 59% [=====> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 10s ╠ [F]: 21250.0/34694.2 kB <-> 61% [======> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 10s ╠ [F]: 22052.9/34694.2 kB <-> 63% [======> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 9s ╠ [F]: 22913.0/34694.2 kB <-> 66% [======> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 9s ╠ [F]: 23822.3/34694.2 kB <-> 68% [======> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 8s ╠ [F]: 24608.8/34694.2 kB <-> 70% [=======> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 7s ╠ [F]: 25206.8/34694.2 kB <-> 72% [=======> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 7s ╠ [F]: 25804.8/34694.2 kB <-> 74% [=======> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 6s ╠ [F]: 26427.4/34694.2 kB <-> 76% [=======> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 6s ╠ [F]: 27058.2/34694.2 kB <-> 77% [=======> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 6s ╠ [F]: 27680.8/34694.2 kB <-> 79% [=======> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 5s ╠ [F]: 28303.4/34694.2 kB <-> 81% [========> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 5s ╠ [F]: 28942.3/34694.2 kB <-> 83% [========> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 4s ╠ [F]: 29605.9/34694.2 kB <-> 85% [========> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 4s ╠ [F]: 30294.0/34694.2 kB <-> 87% [========> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 3s ╠ [F]: 31014.9/34694.2 kB <-> 89% [========> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 3s ╠ [F]: 31727.6/34694.2 kB <-> 91% [=========>] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 2s ╠ [F]: 32596.0/34694.2 kB <-> 93% [=========>] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 2s ╠ [F]: 33054.7/34694.2 kB <-> 95% [=========>] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ [F]: 33521.7/34694.2 kB <-> 96% [=========>] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ [F]: 34152.4/34694.2 kB <-> 98% [=========>] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.3MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [dev-db:mariadb-10.1.16.a40e1c3a59c7635d16929bccf3a3ec5d9e4222c1~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [dev-db:mariadb-10.1.16.a40e1c3a59c7635d16929bccf3a3ec5d9e4222c1~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (30/67) app-arch/xz-utils-5.2.2 ╠ ## Downloading: app-arch:xz-utils- ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 434.2/571.3 kB <-> 76% [=======> ] => 3.8MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.7MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-arch:xz-utils-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-arch:xz-utils-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (31/67) app-arch/zip-3.0-r3 ╠ ## Downloading: app-arch:zip-3.0-r3.8baa94c2d217f1be53c9b92762c9be4041c941fa~2.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 360.4/557.7 kB <-> 64% [======> ] => 5.4MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.4MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-arch:zip-3.0-r3.8baa94c2d217f1be53c9b92762c9be4041c941fa~2.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-arch:zip-3.0-r3.8baa94c2d217f1be53c9b92762c9be4041c941fa~2.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (32/67) app-admin/rpi-update-0_pre20160313 ╠ ## Downloading: app-admin:rpi-update-0_pre20160313.91a21104b5f535cf1413833459a2052b7f6f7bbe~2.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.7MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-admin:rpi-update-0_pre20160313.91a21104b5f535cf1413833459a2052b7f6f7bbe~2.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-admin:rpi-update-0_pre20160313.91a21104b5f535cf1413833459a2052b7f6f7bbe~2.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (33/67) app-crypt/pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5 ╠ ## Downloading: app-crypt:pinentry-gtk2- ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.9MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-crypt:pinentry-gtk2-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-crypt:pinentry-gtk2-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (34/67) app-misc/sabayon-skel-16-r2 ╠ ## Downloading: app-misc:sabayon-skel-16-r2.4385a6b1e306ea4ccc820efca0d48701c7dadd57~1.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 352.3/457.3 kB <-> 77% [=======> ] => 2.7MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.1MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-misc:sabayon-skel-16-r2.4385a6b1e306ea4ccc820efca0d48701c7dadd57~1.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-misc:sabayon-skel-16-r2.4385a6b1e306ea4ccc820efca0d48701c7dadd57~1.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (35/67) app-arch/tar-1.29 ╠ ## Downloading: app-arch:tar-1.29.e6ed9e00a67672b0dc97cd0149b2dc7be55f34ef~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 417.8/1240.0 kB <-> 33% [===> ] => 2.7MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.6MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-arch:tar-1.29.e6ed9e00a67672b0dc97cd0149b2dc7be55f34ef~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-arch:tar-1.29.e6ed9e00a67672b0dc97cd0149b2dc7be55f34ef~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (36/67) app-misc/pax-utils-1.1.6 ╠ ## Downloading: app-misc:pax-utils- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.7MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-misc:pax-utils-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-misc:pax-utils-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (37/67) sys-apps/portage-2.3.0 ╠ ## Downloading: sys-apps:portage- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 409.6/5545.8 kB <-> 7% [> ] => 5.0MB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ [F]: 1245.2/5545.8 kB <-> 22% [==> ] => 1.2MB/sec : ETA: 4s ╠ [F]: 2113.5/5545.8 kB <-> 38% [===> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 3s ╠ [F]: 3072.0/5545.8 kB <-> 55% [=====> ] => 1.5MB/sec : ETA: 2s ╠ [F]: 4096.0/5545.8 kB <-> 73% [=======> ] => 1.6MB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ [F]: 5152.8/5545.8 kB <-> 92% [=========>] => 1.6MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.6MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [sys-apps:portage-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [sys-apps:portage-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (38/67) app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.22 ╠ ## Downloading: app-admin:perl-cleaner-2.22.64835a88c4b73f704297448507f80f73e1072f1e~1.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.5MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-admin:perl-cleaner-2.22.64835a88c4b73f704297448507f80f73e1072f1e~1.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-admin:perl-cleaner-2.22.64835a88c4b73f704297448507f80f73e1072f1e~1.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (39/67) x11-proto/xproto-7.0.29 ╠ ## Downloading: x11-proto:xproto- ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.8MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [x11-proto:xproto-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [x11-proto:xproto-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (40/67) app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.28 ╠ ## Downloading: app-crypt:gnupg-2.0.28.cac69f135f7547cf3a74ca383c0e35d4a6e0526e~2.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 352.3/2437.0 kB <-> 14% [=> ] => 2.8MB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ [F]: 1376.3/2437.0 kB <-> 56% [=====> ] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.7MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-crypt:gnupg-2.0.28.cac69f135f7547cf3a74ca383c0e35d4a6e0526e~2.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-crypt:gnupg-2.0.28.cac69f135f7547cf3a74ca383c0e35d4a6e0526e~2.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (41/67) app-misc/editor-wrapper-4 ╠ ## Downloading: app-misc:editor-wrapper-4.d4b76e3b92a3d4d325531a17025720daca810285~2.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.1MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-misc:editor-wrapper-4.d4b76e3b92a3d4d325531a17025720daca810285~2.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-misc:editor-wrapper-4.d4b76e3b92a3d4d325531a17025720daca810285~2.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (42/67) app-editors/nano-2.6.3 ╠ ## Downloading: app-editors:nano- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 491.5/923.5 kB <-> 53% [=====> ] => 3.8MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.4MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-editors:nano-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-editors:nano-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (43/67) sys-process/cronbase-0.3.7-r3 ╠ ## Downloading: sys-process:cronbase-0.3.7-r3.c4774cb12055fb417ad3a51a6d431dd1e3840de6~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 41.0/279.0 kB <-> 14% [=> ] => 7.3MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 966.8kB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [sys-process:cronbase-0.3.7-r3.c4774cb12055fb417ad3a51a6d431dd1e3840de6~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [sys-process:cronbase-0.3.7-r3.c4774cb12055fb417ad3a51a6d431dd1e3840de6~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (44/67) x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1 ╠ ## Downloading: x11-misc:xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1.ff1bf378be92e0871a9e17f6d416a482b30c57e1~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.8MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [x11-misc:xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1.ff1bf378be92e0871a9e17f6d416a482b30c57e1~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [x11-misc:xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1.ff1bf378be92e0871a9e17f6d416a482b30c57e1~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (45/67) x11-libs/pixman-0.34.0 ╠ ## Downloading: x11-libs:pixman-0.34.0.f874da697451728c1abfd54df6205d8b49ba2fa0~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 49.2/504.6 kB <-> 9% [> ] => 4.5MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.4MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [x11-libs:pixman-0.34.0.f874da697451728c1abfd54df6205d8b49ba2fa0~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [x11-libs:pixman-0.34.0.f874da697451728c1abfd54df6205d8b49ba2fa0~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (46/67) app-arch/unzip-6.0_p20 ╠ ## Downloading: app-arch:unzip-6.0_p20.d5493d06ef2000f78413dc0f53a3e2d855389f44~1.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 4.0MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-arch:unzip-6.0_p20.d5493d06ef2000f78413dc0f53a3e2d855389f44~1.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-arch:unzip-6.0_p20.d5493d06ef2000f78413dc0f53a3e2d855389f44~1.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (47/67) app-misc/c_rehash-1.7-r1 ╠ ## Downloading: app-misc:c_rehash-1.7-r1.bbee8effef95ad1718a8fc03753ec153fbb996ec~1.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 221.2/259.6 kB <-> 85% [========> ] => 4.6MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.2MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-misc:c_rehash-1.7-r1.bbee8effef95ad1718a8fc03753ec153fbb996ec~1.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-misc:c_rehash-1.7-r1.bbee8effef95ad1718a8fc03753ec153fbb996ec~1.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (48/67) app-misc/sabayon-live-20 ╠ ## Downloading: app-misc:sabayon-live-20.564abc72e5ff58b910273fdbefc36eb1cc1d6db0~0.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.6MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-misc:sabayon-live-20.564abc72e5ff58b910273fdbefc36eb1cc1d6db0~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-misc:sabayon-live-20.564abc72e5ff58b910273fdbefc36eb1cc1d6db0~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (49/67) sys-apps/entropy-304 ╠ ## Downloading: sys-apps:entropy-304.320cc7b582fd6ca95dcd158fc1f0ff29a7af18fd~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 524.3/1487.2 kB <-> 35% [===> ] => 4.9MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.5MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [sys-apps:entropy-304.320cc7b582fd6ca95dcd158fc1f0ff29a7af18fd~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [sys-apps:entropy-304.320cc7b582fd6ca95dcd158fc1f0ff29a7af18fd~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (50/67) app-admin/matter-304 ╠ ## Downloading: app-admin:matter-304.3aadb76d8c5e7bc027de5eb7cf53a714ae346f6a~0.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.1MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-admin:matter-304.3aadb76d8c5e7bc027de5eb7cf53a714ae346f6a~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-admin:matter-304.3aadb76d8c5e7bc027de5eb7cf53a714ae346f6a~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (51/67) sys-apps/entropy-server-304 ╠ ## Downloading: sys-apps:entropy-server-304.809cc07b714b01f0b04af87ac6430e2405b99e6d~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 548.9/622.2 kB <-> 88% [========> ] => 5.0MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 4.0MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [sys-apps:entropy-server-304.809cc07b714b01f0b04af87ac6430e2405b99e6d~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [sys-apps:entropy-server-304.809cc07b714b01f0b04af87ac6430e2405b99e6d~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (52/67) app-misc/ca-certificates-20160104.3.23 ╠ ## Downloading: app-misc:ca-certificates-20160104.3.23.5c79c662e576f8b5518732064d69915342877b0a~0.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 466.9/650.1 kB <-> 71% [=======> ] => 4.5MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.9MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-misc:ca-certificates-20160104.3.23.5c79c662e576f8b5518732064d69915342877b0a~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-misc:ca-certificates-20160104.3.23.5c79c662e576f8b5518732064d69915342877b0a~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (53/67) app-crypt/p11-kit-0.23.2 ╠ ## Downloading: app-crypt:p11-kit- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 466.9/562.1 kB <-> 83% [========> ] => 4.9MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.0MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-crypt:p11-kit-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-crypt:p11-kit-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (54/67) app-arch/rpm2targz- ╠ ## Downloading: app-arch:rpm2targz- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.6MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-arch:rpm2targz-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-arch:rpm2targz-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (55/67) app-admin/equo-304 ╠ ## Downloading: app-admin:equo-304.371c38ffef9e1997879502572b53e8540c72de62~0.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 237.6/853.6 kB <-> 27% [==> ] => 4.2MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.6MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-admin:equo-304.371c38ffef9e1997879502572b53e8540c72de62~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-admin:equo-304.371c38ffef9e1997879502572b53e8540c72de62~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (56/67) app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7 ╠ ## Downloading: app-eselect:eselect-pinentry-0.7.451e9737865c75722570c77cb2cd0b15fab9d133~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.3MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-pinentry-0.7.451e9737865c75722570c77cb2cd0b15fab9d133~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-pinentry-0.7.451e9737865c75722570c77cb2cd0b15fab9d133~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (57/67) app-crypt/pinentry-base-0.9.5 ╠ ## Downloading: app-crypt:pinentry-base- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 367.7/367.7 kB <-> 100% [==========>] => 7.2MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.8MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-crypt:pinentry-base-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-crypt:pinentry-base-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (58/67) app-eselect/eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1 ╠ ## Downloading: app-eselect:eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1.a853cc14c11cf3d1bd4ab1b1c3c707226ea23c2a~2.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.9MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1.a853cc14c11cf3d1bd4ab1b1c3c707226ea23c2a~2.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-eselect:eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1.a853cc14c11cf3d1bd4ab1b1c3c707226ea23c2a~2.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (59/67) sys-kernel/linux-headers-4.3 ╠ ## Downloading: sys-kernel:linux-headers-4.3.53f29897b3f7e092fd7eb5bc5ab7415164c4c0a2~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 303.1/1290.0 kB <-> 23% [==> ] => 4.7MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ [F]: 835.6/1290.0 kB <-> 64% [======> ] => 807.7kB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 906.0kB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [sys-kernel:linux-headers-4.3.53f29897b3f7e092fd7eb5bc5ab7415164c4c0a2~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [sys-kernel:linux-headers-4.3.53f29897b3f7e092fd7eb5bc5ab7415164c4c0a2~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (60/67) app-admin/python-updater-0.14 ╠ ## Downloading: app-admin:python-updater-0.14.97724f76b5147dc3a1059432246d4e22c8f9f5e5~2.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 131.1/285.6 kB <-> 45% [====> ] => 4.5MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.7MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-admin:python-updater-0.14.97724f76b5147dc3a1059432246d4e22c8f9f5e5~2.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-admin:python-updater-0.14.97724f76b5147dc3a1059432246d4e22c8f9f5e5~2.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (61/67) dev-python/certifi-2016.8.31 ╠ ## Downloading: dev-python:certifi-2016.8.31.ec347703373523bff5c452ee33bd532dac46d02e~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 49.2/768.2 kB <-> 6% [> ] => 4.5MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.6MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [dev-python:certifi-2016.8.31.ec347703373523bff5c452ee33bd532dac46d02e~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [dev-python:certifi-2016.8.31.ec347703373523bff5c452ee33bd532dac46d02e~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (62/67) app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.5 ╠ ## Downloading: app-crypt:libsecret- ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 458.8/537.4 kB <-> 85% [========> ] => 4.8MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.4MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-crypt:libsecret-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-crypt:libsecret-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (63/67) app-crypt/pinentry-gnome-0.9.5 ╠ ## Downloading: app-crypt:pinentry-gnome-0.9.5.ecca680802e64d8dd04766a2b1c8ead9ab79a833~2.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 3.5MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-crypt:pinentry-gnome-0.9.5.ecca680802e64d8dd04766a2b1c8ead9ab79a833~2.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-crypt:pinentry-gnome-0.9.5.ecca680802e64d8dd04766a2b1c8ead9ab79a833~2.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (64/67) media-libs/libpng-1.6.25 ╠ ## Downloading: media-libs:libpng- ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 466.9/650.7 kB <-> 71% [=======> ] => 4.6MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 2.3MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [media-libs:libpng-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [media-libs:libpng-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (65/67) www-client/links-2.12-r2 ╠ ## Downloading: www-client:links-2.12-r2.8e2f79a373045630eb2e74b85c96dfe1422d167c~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 49.2/3338.3 kB <-> 1% [> ] => 4.4MB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ [F]: 720.9/3338.3 kB <-> 21% [==> ] => 806.8kB/sec : ETA: 3s ╠ [F]: 2072.6/3338.3 kB <-> 62% [======> ] => 1.3MB/sec : ETA: 1s ╠ [F]: 3113.0/3338.3 kB <-> 93% [=========>] => 1.4MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.4MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [www-client:links-2.12-r2.8e2f79a373045630eb2e74b85c96dfe1422d167c~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [www-client:links-2.12-r2.8e2f79a373045630eb2e74b85c96dfe1422d167c~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (66/67) sys-libs/timezone-data-2016f ╠ ## Downloading: sys-libs:timezone-data-2016f.d9f1bdb0c9e8b30d6486748182d145bc638e0d06~0.tbz2 ☛  ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 49.2/685.2 kB <-> 7% [> ] => 4.5MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.5MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [sys-libs:timezone-data-2016f.d9f1bdb0c9e8b30d6486748182d145bc638e0d06~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [sys-libs:timezone-data-2016f.d9f1bdb0c9e8b30d6486748182d145bc638e0d06~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ::: >>> (67/67) app-arch/cpio-2.12-r1 ╠ ## Downloading: app-arch:cpio-2.12-r1.3740277ca869aaa75786e49387d806d92cebeccd~1.tbz2 ☛ ## ( mirror #1 ) Downloading from: ╠ [F]: 393.2/561.2 kB <-> 70% [=======> ] => 4.0MB/sec : ETA: 0s ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) Successfully downloaded from: at 1.7MB/second ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [app-arch:cpio-2.12-r1.3740277ca869aaa75786e49387d806d92cebeccd~1.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [app-arch:cpio-2.12-r1.3740277ca869aaa75786e49387d806d92cebeccd~1.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ @@ Download complete. ╠ @@ Nothing to remove. ╠ @@ Scanning configuration files to update ╠ Found update: /etc/._cfg0000_hosts ☛ There is 1 configuration file needing update ☛ Please run: equo conf update ╠ @@ Calculating System Updates: ╠ @@ Calculating dependencies... ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/sudo-1.8.17_p1|1 [1.8.16|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/eselect-1.4.6|1 [1.4.5|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-blas-0.1|2 [0.1|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-lapack-0.1|2 [0.1|1] ╠ ## [N] [] dev-libs/libpipeline-1.4.1|0 ╠ ## [N] [] sys-apps/man-db-2.7.5|0 ╠ ## [N] [] app-text/manpager-1|0 ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/lz4-0_p131-r1|0 [0_p131|2] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-fontconfig-1.1-r1|0 [1.1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/bzip2-1.0.6-r7|1 [1.0.6-r7|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-shells/bash-4.3_p46-r1|0 [4.3_p42-r1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-mesa-0.0.10|2 [0.0.10|1] ╠ ## [U] [] dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2j|0 [1.0.2g-r3|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/libarchive-3.2.1-r5|0 [3.1.2-r4|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4|2 [1.3.1-r4|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.20.2|1 [2.18.3|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk-2.20.1|1 [2.18.1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] x11-libs/gtk+-3.20.8|0 [3.18.6|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/gcr-3.20.0|0 [3.18.0|1] ╠ ## [N] [] virtual/man-0-r1|0 ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/sabayon-version-16.09|1 [16.06|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/pinentry-qt4-0.9.5|2 [0.9.5|1] ╠ ## [U] [] net-misc/wget-1.18|0 [1.17.1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] dev-libs/nspr-4.12|0 [4.11|0] ╠ ## [U] [] dev-libs/nss-3.26|0 [3.21-r2|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/gzip-1.8|1 [1.8|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/mime-types-9|2 [9|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1|2 [0.1.1|1] ╠ ## [U] [] dev-db/mariadb-10.1.16|0 [10.1.10|4] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/xz-utils-5.2.2|1 [5.2.2|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/zip-3.0-r3|2 [3.0-r3|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/rpi-update-0_pre20160313|2 [0_pre20160313|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5|2 [0.9.5|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/sabayon-skel-16-r2|1 [15-r3|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/tar-1.29|0 [1.28-r1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/pax-utils-1.1.6|0 [1.1.4|0] ╠ ## [U] [] sys-apps/portage-2.3.0|0 [2.2.26|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.22|1 [2.21|0] ╠ ## [U] [] x11-proto/xproto-7.0.29|0 [7.0.27|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.28|2 [2.0.28|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/editor-wrapper-4|2 [4|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-editors/nano-2.6.3|1 [2.5.0|0] ╠ ## [U] [>sabayon-limbo] sys-process/cronbase-0.3.7-r3|0 [0.3.7-r1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1|0 [1.1.1|0] ╠ ## [U] [>sabayon-limbo] x11-libs/pixman-0.34.0|0 [0.32.6|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/unzip-6.0_p20|1 [6.0_p20|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/c_rehash-1.7-r1|1 [1.7-r1|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/sabayon-live-20|0 [16|0] ╠ ## [U] [] sys-apps/entropy-304|0 [302|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/matter-304|0 [302|0] ╠ ## [U] [] sys-apps/entropy-server-304|0 [302|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-misc/ca-certificates-20160104.3.23|0 [20151214.3.21|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/p11-kit-0.23.2|1 [0.23.2|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/rpm2targz-|2 [|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/equo-304|0 [302|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7|0 [0.6|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/pinentry-base-0.9.5|2 [0.9.5|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-eselect/eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1|2 [1.1.1|1] ╠ ## [U] [] sys-kernel/linux-headers-4.3|0 [3.18|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-admin/python-updater-0.14|2 [0.14|0] ╠ ## [U] [>sabayon-limbo] dev-python/certifi-2016.8.31|0 [2016.2.28|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.5|0 [0.18.3|1] ╠ ## [U] [] app-crypt/pinentry-gnome-0.9.5|2 [0.9.5|1] ╠ ## [U] [] media-libs/libpng-1.6.25|0 [1.6.20|0] ╠ ## [U] [>sabayon-limbo] www-client/links-2.12-r2|0 [2.12-r1|1] ╠ ## [U] [>sabayon-limbo] sys-libs/timezone-data-2016f|0 [2015g|0] ╠ ## [U] [] app-arch/cpio-2.12-r1|1 [2.12-r1|0] ╠ @@ Packages needing to be installed/updated/downgraded: 67 ╠ @@ Packages needing to be removed: 0 ╠ @@ Download size: 0b ╠ @@ Used disk space: 5.5MB ╠ @@ You need at least: 159.8MB of free space ╠ ::: >>> (1/67) app-admin/sudo-1.8.17_p1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (2/67) app-admin/eselect-1.4.6 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (3/67) app-eselect/eselect-blas-0.1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (4/67) app-eselect/eselect-lapack-0.1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (5/67) dev-libs/libpipeline-1.4.1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (6/67) sys-apps/man-db-2.7.5 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (7/67) app-text/manpager-1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (8/67) app-arch/lz4-0_p131-r1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (9/67) app-eselect/eselect-fontconfig-1.1-r1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (10/67) app-arch/bzip2-1.0.6-r7 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (11/67) app-shells/bash-4.3_p46-r1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (12/67) app-eselect/eselect-mesa-0.0.10 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (13/67) dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2j ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (14/67) app-arch/libarchive-3.2.1-r5 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (15/67) app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (16/67) app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.20.2 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (17/67) app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk-2.20.1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (18/67) x11-libs/gtk+-3.20.8 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (19/67) app-crypt/gcr-3.20.0 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (20/67) virtual/man-0-r1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (21/67) app-misc/sabayon-version-16.09 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (22/67) app-crypt/pinentry-qt4-0.9.5 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (23/67) net-misc/wget-1.18 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (24/67) dev-libs/nspr-4.12 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (25/67) dev-libs/nss-3.26 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (26/67) app-arch/gzip-1.8 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (27/67) app-misc/mime-types-9 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (28/67) app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (29/67) dev-db/mariadb-10.1.16 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (30/67) app-arch/xz-utils-5.2.2 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (31/67) app-arch/zip-3.0-r3 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (32/67) app-admin/rpi-update-0_pre20160313 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (33/67) app-crypt/pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (34/67) app-misc/sabayon-skel-16-r2 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (35/67) app-arch/tar-1.29 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (36/67) app-misc/pax-utils-1.1.6 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (37/67) sys-apps/portage-2.3.0 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (38/67) app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.22 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (39/67) x11-proto/xproto-7.0.29 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (40/67) app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.28 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (41/67) app-misc/editor-wrapper-4 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (42/67) app-editors/nano-2.6.3 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (43/67) sys-process/cronbase-0.3.7-r3 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (44/67) x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (45/67) x11-libs/pixman-0.34.0 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (46/67) app-arch/unzip-6.0_p20 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (47/67) app-misc/c_rehash-1.7-r1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (48/67) app-misc/sabayon-live-20 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (49/67) sys-apps/entropy-304 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (50/67) app-admin/matter-304 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (51/67) sys-apps/entropy-server-304 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (52/67) app-misc/ca-certificates-20160104.3.23 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (53/67) app-crypt/p11-kit-0.23.2 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (54/67) app-arch/rpm2targz- ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (55/67) app-admin/equo-304 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (56/67) app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (57/67) app-crypt/pinentry-base-0.9.5 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (58/67) app-eselect/eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (59/67) sys-kernel/linux-headers-4.3 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (60/67) app-admin/python-updater-0.14 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (61/67) dev-python/certifi-2016.8.31 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (62/67) app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.5 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (63/67) app-crypt/pinentry-gnome-0.9.5 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (64/67) media-libs/libpng-1.6.25 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (65/67) www-client/links-2.12-r2 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (66/67) sys-libs/timezone-data-2016f ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ ::: >>> (67/67) app-arch/cpio-2.12-r1 ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ +++ >>> (1/67) app-admin/sudo-1.8.17_p1 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-admin:sudo-1.8.17_p1.e1d009b58117e4c1d811c1c0721275899ff3fc5e~1.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-admin/sudo-1.8.17_p1 ╠ ## [Allows users or groups to run commands as other users] ☛ ## Skipping file installation/removal: /etc/sudoers ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-admin/sudo-1.8.17_p1 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ☛  ## Collision found during removal of: ☛ ## /etc/sudoers ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * * sudo uses the /etc/ldap.conf.sudo file for ldap configuration. * * To use the -A (askpass) option, you need to install a compatible * password program from the following list. Starred packages will * automatically register for the use with sudo (but will not force * the -A option): * * [*] net-misc/ssh-askpass-fullscreen * net-misc/x11-ssh-askpass * * You can override the choice by setting the SUDO_ASKPASS environmnent * variable to the program you want to use. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-admin/sudo-1.8.17_p1 ╠ +++ >>> (2/67) app-admin/eselect-1.4.6 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-admin:eselect- ╠ ## Installing package: app-admin/eselect-1.4.6 ╠ ## [Gentoo's multi-purpose configuration and management tool] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-admin/eselect-1.4.6 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: app-admin/eselect-1.4.6 ╠ +++ >>> (3/67) app-eselect/eselect-blas-0.1 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-eselect:eselect-blas-0.1.b467f0cd66d42c765ef25d7faf1497c99333020e~2.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-eselect/eselect-blas-0.1 ╠ ## [BLAS module for eselect] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-eselect/eselect-blas-0.1 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-eselect/eselect-blas-0.1 ╠ +++ >>> (4/67) app-eselect/eselect-lapack-0.1 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-eselect:eselect-lapack-0.1.b2d3dbb266c289ec2ef1403fdc6fba178c3c92e8~2.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-eselect/eselect-lapack-0.1 ╠ ## [LAPACK module for eselect] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-eselect/eselect-lapack-0.1 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-eselect/eselect-lapack-0.1 ╠ +++ >>> (5/67) dev-libs/libpipeline-1.4.1 ╠ ## Unpacking: dev-libs:libpipeline- ╠ ## Installing package: dev-libs/libpipeline-1.4.1 ╠ ## [a pipeline manipulation library] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: dev-libs/libpipeline-1.4.1 >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Cleaning: dev-libs/libpipeline-1.4.1 ╠ +++ >>> (6/67) sys-apps/man-db-2.7.5 ╠ ## Unpacking: sys-apps:man-db- ╠ ## Package phase: setup * Defaulting to USE=gdbm due to ambiguous berkdb/gdbm USE flag settings ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall * Resetting permissions on /var/cache/man * >>> SetUID: [chmod go-r] /usr/bin/man ... [ ok ] * >>> SetUID: [chmod go-r] /usr/bin/mandb ... [ ok ] ╠ ## Installing package: sys-apps/man-db-2.7.5 ╠ ## [a man replacement that utilizes berkdb instead of flat files] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: sys-apps/man-db-2.7.5 ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: sys-apps/man-db-2.7.5 ╠ +++ >>> (7/67) app-text/manpager-1 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-text:manpager-1.d03ec6c60c8b9029eca2b756dfcb47a214c2f03a~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-text/manpager-1 ╠ ## [Enable colorization of man pages] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-text/manpager-1 >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Cleaning: app-text/manpager-1 ╠ +++ >>> (8/67) app-arch/lz4-0_p131-r1 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-arch:lz4-0_p131-r1.7dfbedf397555ad894318f68f3905d907dcd85e5~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-arch/lz4-0_p131-r1 ╠ ## [Extremely Fast Compression algorithm] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-arch/lz4-0_p131-r1 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Cleaning: app-arch/lz4-0_p131-r1 ╠ +++ >>> (9/67) app-eselect/eselect-fontconfig-1.1-r1 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-eselect:eselect-fontconfig-1.1-r1.2ea3fdf5d6494dc657be0b262599c38d8f62c5f6~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-eselect/eselect-fontconfig-1.1-r1 ╠ ## [An eselect module to manage /etc/fonts/conf.d symlinks] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-eselect/eselect-fontconfig-1.1-r1 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-eselect/eselect-fontconfig-1.1-r1 ╠ +++ >>> (10/67) app-arch/bzip2-1.0.6-r7 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-arch:bzip2-1.0.6-r7.e9763267efaf6c3e6e6dc817da56b34a8a5da6cc~1.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-arch/bzip2-1.0.6-r7 ╠ ## [A high-quality data compressor used extensively by Gentoo Linux] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-arch/bzip2-1.0.6-r7 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Cleaning: app-arch/bzip2-1.0.6-r7 ╠ +++ >>> (11/67) app-shells/bash-4.3_p46-r1 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-shells:bash-4.3_p46-r1.040d52a336c1ec174eaa1156bf848c944cfc8997~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall ╠ ## Installing package: app-shells/bash-4.3_p46-r1 ╠ ## [The standard GNU Bourne again shell] ☛  ## Protecting config file: /etc/bash/bashrc ╠ ## Automerging config file, never modified: /etc/bash/bashrc ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-shells/bash-4.3_p46-r1 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ ## Cleaning: app-shells/bash-4.3_p46-r1 ╠ +++ >>> (12/67) app-eselect/eselect-mesa-0.0.10 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-eselect:eselect-mesa- ╠ ## Installing package: app-eselect/eselect-mesa-0.0.10 ╠ ## [Utility to change the Mesa OpenGL driver being used] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-eselect/eselect-mesa-0.0.10 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: app-eselect/eselect-mesa-0.0.10 ╠ +++ >>> (13/67) dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2j ╠ ## Unpacking: dev-libs:openssl-1.0.2j.00ebb0f5f08b6fc7c754c9a2daf481d5cc37d0f3~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2j ╠ ## [full-strength general purpose cryptography library (including SSL and TLS)] ☛ ## Protecting config file: /etc/ssl/misc/ ╠ ## Automerging config file, never modified: /etc/ssl/misc/ ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2j ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * Running 'c_rehash /etc/ssl/certs/' to rebuild hashes #333069 ... [ ok ] ╠ ## Cleaning: dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2j ╠ +++ >>> (14/67) app-arch/libarchive-3.2.1-r5 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-arch:libarchive-3.2.1-r5.57001c4e0aa2c232b744e7d40d3cea6f70800b0b~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-arch/libarchive-3.2.1-r5 ╠ ## [BSD tar command] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-arch/libarchive-3.2.1-r5 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ☛ ## Protecting: /usr/lib/, library needed by: ☛  :: dev-util/cmake-3.4.3 ☛  :: app-arch/libarchive-3.2.1-r5 ☛  :: Removing library: /usr/lib/ [, 1] >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Cleaning: app-arch/libarchive-3.2.1-r5 ╠ +++ >>> (15/67) app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-eselect:eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4.d2c04aa870809b8089f0e83448fc3dfda4c865e7~2.tbz2 ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall ╠ ## Installing package: app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4 ╠ ## [Utility to change the OpenGL interface being used] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall /bin/rmdir: removing directory, ‘//usr/lib/opengl/xorg-x11’ tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified Switching to raspberrypi-userland OpenGL interface... done ╠ ## Cleaning: app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4 ╠ +++ >>> (16/67) app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.20.2 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-accessibility:at-spi2-core- ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall ╠ ## Installing package: app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.20.2 ╠ ## [D-Bus accessibility specifications and registration daemon] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.20.2 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Removing config file, never modified: /etc/at-spi2/accessibility.conf >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postremove >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.20.2 ╠ +++ >>> (17/67) app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk-2.20.1 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-accessibility:at-spi2-atk- ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall ╠ ## Installing package: app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk-2.20.1 ╠ ## [Gtk module for bridging AT-SPI to Atk] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk-2.20.1 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postremove >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk-2.20.1 ╠ +++ >>> (18/67) x11-libs/gtk+-3.20.8 ╠ ## Unpacking: x11-libs:gtk+- ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall * .arm: running multilib_pkg_preinst ╠ ## Installing package: x11-libs/gtk+-3.20.8 ╠ ## [Gimp ToolKit +] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: x11-libs/gtk+-3.20.8 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ☛  ## Protecting: /usr/lib/, library needed by: ☛  :: x11-libs/gtk+-3.20.8 ☛  :: app-crypt/gcr-3.18.0 ☛  :: app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.15-r1 ☛  :: gnome-extra/polkit-gnome-0.105-r1 ☛  :: app-crypt/pinentry-gnome-0.9.5 ☛  ## Protecting: /usr/lib/, library needed by: ☛  :: x11-libs/gtk+-3.20.8 ☛  :: app-crypt/gcr-3.18.0 ☛  :: app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.15-r1 ☛ :: Removing library: /usr/lib/ [, 1] ☛  :: Removing library: /usr/lib/ [, 1] >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postremove >>> Regenerating /etc/ * Updating GSettings schemas ... [ ok ] * .arm: running multilib_pkg_postrm ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * Updating GSettings schemas ... [ ok ] * .arm: running multilib_pkg_postinst * Updating gtk3 input method module cache ... [ ok ] * Please install app-text/evince for print preview functionality. * Alternatively, check "gtk-print-preview-command" documentation and * add it to your settings.ini file. ╠ ## Cleaning: x11-libs/gtk+-3.20.8 ╠ +++ >>> (19/67) app-crypt/gcr-3.20.0 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-crypt:gcr- ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall ╠ ## Installing package: app-crypt/gcr-3.20.0 ╠ ## [Libraries for cryptographic UIs and accessing PKCS#11 modules] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-crypt/gcr-3.20.0 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postremove >>> Regenerating /etc/ * Updating desktop mime database ... * Updating shared mime info database ... * Updating icons cache ... [ ok ] * Updating GSettings schemas ... [ ok ] ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * Updating .desktop files database ... [ ok ] * Updating shared mime info database ... [ ok ] * Updating icons cache ... [ ok ] * Updating GSettings schemas ... [ ok ] ╠ ## Cleaning: app-crypt/gcr-3.20.0 ╠ +++ >>> (20/67) virtual/man-0-r1 ╠ ## Unpacking: virtual:man-0-r1.5131d343c52207efa7766df914fe564ba616bbe7~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: virtual/man-0-r1 ╠ ## [Virtual for man] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: virtual/man-0-r1 ╠ ## Cleaning: virtual/man-0-r1 ╠ +++ >>> (21/67) app-misc/sabayon-version-16.09 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-misc:sabayon-version-16.09.d112c5d013ca8c55f7c175440f1cbb79a9e2eb70~1.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-misc/sabayon-version-16.09 ╠ ## [Sabayon system release virtual package] ☛ ## Protecting config file: /etc/sabayon-release ╠ ## Automerging config file, never modified: /etc/sabayon-release ☛ ## Protecting config file: /etc/system-release ╠ ## Automerging config file, never modified: /etc/system-release ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-misc/sabayon-version-16.09 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified ╠ ## Cleaning: app-misc/sabayon-version-16.09 ╠ +++ >>> (22/67) app-crypt/pinentry-qt4-0.9.5 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-crypt:pinentry-qt4-0.9.5.a9234aa30fdd303c5b41e00fb5431f0acc279ed5~2.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-crypt/pinentry-qt4-0.9.5 ╠ ## [Qt4 frontend for pinentry] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-crypt/pinentry-qt4-0.9.5 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postremove tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified ╠ ## Cleaning: app-crypt/pinentry-qt4-0.9.5 ╠ +++ >>> (23/67) net-misc/wget-1.18 ╠ ## Unpacking: net-misc:wget-1.18.ff75e1dc5446e0d1852ee26bb6c3190e0ee2d0c2~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Installing package: net-misc/wget-1.18 ╠ ## [Network utility to retrieve files from the WWW] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: net-misc/wget-1.18 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ ## Cleaning: net-misc/wget-1.18 ╠ +++ >>> (24/67) dev-libs/nspr-4.12 ╠ ## Unpacking: dev-libs:nspr-4.12.5df306339578f492ecb896f4b75a950e91b3c5dc~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: dev-libs/nspr-4.12 ╠ ## [Netscape Portable Runtime] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: dev-libs/nspr-4.12 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Cleaning: dev-libs/nspr-4.12 ╠ +++ >>> (25/67) dev-libs/nss-3.26 ╠ ## Unpacking: dev-libs:nss-3.26.416f89be171a674fb1a212a6ea39bb7dc2cbc237~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: dev-libs/nss-3.26 ╠ ## [Mozilla's Network Security Services library that implements PKI support] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: dev-libs/nss-3.26 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postremove >>> Regenerating /etc/ * .arm: running multilib_pkg_postrm ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * .arm: running multilib_pkg_postinst * Resigning core NSS libraries for FIPS validation ╠ ## Cleaning: dev-libs/nss-3.26 ╠ +++ >>> (26/67) app-arch/gzip-1.8 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-arch:gzip-1.8.b192f11ed4e494f0dfad294f3dc77f32c1e6711f~1.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-arch/gzip-1.8 ╠ ## [Standard GNU compressor] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-arch/gzip-1.8 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ ## Cleaning: app-arch/gzip-1.8 ╠ +++ >>> (27/67) app-misc/mime-types-9 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-misc:mime-types-9.7649c252ce4718c48bff50e1b02a0aea8b7ab27f~2.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-misc/mime-types-9 ╠ ## [Provides /etc/mime.types file] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-misc/mime-types-9 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-misc/mime-types-9 ╠ +++ >>> (28/67) app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-eselect:eselect-lib-bin-symlink- ╠ ## Installing package: app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1 ╠ ## [An eselect library to manage executable symlinks] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1 ╠ +++ >>> (29/67) dev-db/mariadb-10.1.16 ╠ ## Unpacking: dev-db:mariadb-10.1.16.a40e1c3a59c7635d16929bccf3a3ec5d9e4222c1~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall ╠ ## Installing package: dev-db/mariadb-10.1.16 ╠ ## [An enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: dev-db/mariadb-10.1.16 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * * This install includes the PAM authentication plugin. * To activate and configure the PAM plugin, please read: * * * * If you are upgrading major versions, you should run the * mysql_upgrade tool. * ╠ ## Cleaning: dev-db/mariadb-10.1.16 ╠ +++ >>> (30/67) app-arch/xz-utils-5.2.2 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-arch:xz-utils- ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall ╠ ## Installing package: app-arch/xz-utils-5.2.2 ╠ ## [utils for managing LZMA compressed files] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-arch/xz-utils-5.2.2 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: app-arch/xz-utils-5.2.2 ╠ +++ >>> (31/67) app-arch/zip-3.0-r3 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-arch:zip-3.0-r3.8baa94c2d217f1be53c9b92762c9be4041c941fa~2.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-arch/zip-3.0-r3 ╠ ## [Info ZIP (encryption support)] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-arch/zip-3.0-r3 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-arch/zip-3.0-r3 ╠ +++ >>> (32/67) app-admin/rpi-update-0_pre20160313 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-admin:rpi-update-0_pre20160313.91a21104b5f535cf1413833459a2052b7f6f7bbe~2.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-admin/rpi-update-0_pre20160313 ╠ ## [Raspberry Pi kernel updater tool] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-admin/rpi-update-0_pre20160313 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * To upgrade the RaspberryPi kernel, just run 'rpi-update' ╠ ## Cleaning: app-admin/rpi-update-0_pre20160313 ╠ +++ >>> (33/67) app-crypt/pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-crypt:pinentry-gtk2- ╠ ## Installing package: app-crypt/pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5 ╠ ## [Gtk+2 frontend for pinentry] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-crypt/pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postremove tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified ╠ ## Cleaning: app-crypt/pinentry-gtk2-0.9.5 ╠ +++ >>> (34/67) app-misc/sabayon-skel-16-r2 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-misc:sabayon-skel-16-r2.4385a6b1e306ea4ccc820efca0d48701c7dadd57~1.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-misc/sabayon-skel-16-r2 ╠ ## [Sabayon Linux skel tree] ☛ ## Protecting config file: /etc/skel/.fluxbox/startup ╠ ## Automerging config file, never modified: /etc/skel/.fluxbox/startup ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-misc/sabayon-skel-16-r2 ╠ ## Package phase: preremove ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * Updating desktop mime database ... ╠ ## Cleaning: app-misc/sabayon-skel-16-r2 ╠ +++ >>> (35/67) app-arch/tar-1.29 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-arch:tar-1.29.e6ed9e00a67672b0dc97cd0149b2dc7be55f34ef~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-arch/tar-1.29 ╠ ## [Use this to make tarballs :)] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-arch/tar-1.29 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ install-info: No such file or directory for /usr/share/info/ ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ ## Cleaning: app-arch/tar-1.29 ╠ +++ >>> (36/67) app-misc/pax-utils-1.1.6 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-misc:pax-utils- ╠ ## Installing package: app-misc/pax-utils-1.1.6 ╠ ## [ELF related utils for ELF 32/64 binaries that can check files for security...] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-misc/pax-utils-1.1.6 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-misc/pax-utils-1.1.6 ╠ +++ >>> (37/67) sys-apps/portage-2.3.0 ╠ ## Unpacking: sys-apps:portage- ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall ╠ ## Installing package: sys-apps/portage-2.3.0 ╠ ## [Portage is the package management and distribution system for Gentoo] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: sys-apps/portage-2.3.0 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * * This release of portage NO LONGER contains the repoman code base. * Repoman has its own ebuild and release package. * For repoman functionality please emerge app-portage/repoman * Please report any bugs you may encounter. * ╠ ## Reloading Portage modules... ╠ ## Cleaning: sys-apps/portage-2.3.0 ╠ +++ >>> (38/67) app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.22 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-admin:perl-cleaner-2.22.64835a88c4b73f704297448507f80f73e1072f1e~1.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.22 ╠ ## [User land tool for cleaning up old perl installs] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.22 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.22 ╠ +++ >>> (39/67) x11-proto/xproto-7.0.29 ╠ ## Unpacking: x11-proto:xproto- ╠ ## Installing package: x11-proto/xproto-7.0.29 ╠ ## [X.Org xproto protocol headers] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: x11-proto/xproto-7.0.29 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postremove ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: x11-proto/xproto-7.0.29 ╠ +++ >>> (40/67) app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.28 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-crypt:gnupg-2.0.28.cac69f135f7547cf3a74ca383c0e35d4a6e0526e~2.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.28 ╠ ## [The GNU Privacy Guard, a GPL pgp replacement] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.28 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * If you wish to view images emerge: * media-gfx/xloadimage, media-gfx/xli or any other viewer * Remember to use photo-viewer option in configuration file to activate * the right viewer. * * Please remember to restart gpg-agent if a different version * of the agent is currently used. If you are unsure of the gpg * agent you are using please run 'killall gpg-agent', * and to start a fresh daemon just run 'gpg-agent --daemon'. ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ ## Cleaning: app-crypt/gnupg-2.0.28 ╠ +++ >>> (41/67) app-misc/editor-wrapper-4 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-misc:editor-wrapper-4.d4b76e3b92a3d4d325531a17025720daca810285~2.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-misc/editor-wrapper-4 ╠ ## [Wrapper scripts that will execute EDITOR or PAGER] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-misc/editor-wrapper-4 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-misc/editor-wrapper-4 ╠ +++ >>> (42/67) app-editors/nano-2.6.3 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-editors:nano- ╠ ## Installing package: app-editors/nano-2.6.3 ╠ ## [GNU GPL'd Pico clone with more functionality] ☛ ## Protecting config file: /etc/nanorc ╠ ## Automerging config file, never modified: /etc/nanorc ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-editors/nano-2.6.3 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ ## Cleaning: app-editors/nano-2.6.3 ╠ +++ >>> (43/67) sys-process/cronbase-0.3.7-r3 ╠ ## Unpacking: sys-process:cronbase-0.3.7-r3.c4774cb12055fb417ad3a51a6d431dd1e3840de6~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Installing package: sys-process/cronbase-0.3.7-r3 ╠ ## [base for all cron ebuilds] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: sys-process/cronbase-0.3.7-r3 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: sys-process/cronbase-0.3.7-r3 ╠ +++ >>> (44/67) x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1 ╠ ## Unpacking: x11-misc:xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1.ff1bf378be92e0871a9e17f6d416a482b30c57e1~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1 ╠ ## [Portland utils for cross-platform/cross-toolkit/cross-desktop interoperabi...] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.1.1-r1 ╠ +++ >>> (45/67) x11-libs/pixman-0.34.0 ╠ ## Unpacking: x11-libs:pixman-0.34.0.f874da697451728c1abfd54df6205d8b49ba2fa0~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: x11-libs/pixman-0.34.0 ╠ ## [Low-level pixel manipulation routines] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: x11-libs/pixman-0.34.0 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ☛ ## Protecting: /usr/lib/, library needed by: ☛  :: x11-libs/cairo-1.14.6 ☛  :: Removing library: /usr/lib/ [, 1] >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postremove >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: x11-libs/pixman-0.34.0 ╠ +++ >>> (46/67) app-arch/unzip-6.0_p20 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-arch:unzip-6.0_p20.d5493d06ef2000f78413dc0f53a3e2d855389f44~1.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-arch/unzip-6.0_p20 ╠ ## [unzipper for pkzip-compressed files] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-arch/unzip-6.0_p20 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-arch/unzip-6.0_p20 ╠ +++ >>> (47/67) app-misc/c_rehash-1.7-r1 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-misc:c_rehash-1.7-r1.bbee8effef95ad1718a8fc03753ec153fbb996ec~1.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-misc/c_rehash-1.7-r1 ╠ ## [c_rehash script from OpenSSL] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-misc/c_rehash-1.7-r1 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-misc/c_rehash-1.7-r1 ╠ +++ >>> (48/67) app-misc/sabayon-live-20 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-misc:sabayon-live-20.564abc72e5ff58b910273fdbefc36eb1cc1d6db0~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-misc/sabayon-live-20 ╠ ## [Sabayon live image scripts and tools] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-misc/sabayon-live-20 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-misc/sabayon-live-20 ╠ +++ >>> (49/67) sys-apps/entropy-304 ╠ ## Unpacking: sys-apps:entropy-304.320cc7b582fd6ca95dcd158fc1f0ff29a7af18fd~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Installing package: sys-apps/entropy-304 ╠ ## [Entropy Package Manager foundation library] ☛  ## Protecting config file: /etc/entropy/packages/ ╠ ## Automerging config file, never modified: /etc/entropy/packages/ ☛  ## Protecting config file: /etc/entropy/repositories.conf.d/ ╠ ## Automerging config file, never modified: /etc/entropy/repositories.conf.d/ ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: sys-apps/entropy-304 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * Purging current Entropy cache * If you want to enable Entropy packages delta download support, please * install dev-util/bsdiff. ╠ ## Cleaning: sys-apps/entropy-304 ╠ +++ >>> (50/67) app-admin/matter-304 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-admin:matter-304.3aadb76d8c5e7bc027de5eb7cf53a714ae346f6a~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Installing package: app-admin/matter-304 ╠ ## [Automated Packages Builder for Portage and Entropy] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-admin/matter-304 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-admin/matter-304 ╠ +++ >>> (51/67) sys-apps/entropy-server-304 ╠ ## Unpacking: sys-apps:entropy-server-304.809cc07b714b01f0b04af87ac6430e2405b99e6d~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Installing package: sys-apps/entropy-server-304 ╠ ## [Entropy Package Manager server-side tools] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: sys-apps/entropy-server-304 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: sys-apps/entropy-server-304 ╠ +++ >>> (52/67) app-misc/ca-certificates-20160104.3.23 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-misc:ca-certificates-20160104.3.23.5c79c662e576f8b5518732064d69915342877b0a~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Installing package: app-misc/ca-certificates-20160104.3.23 ╠ ## [Common CA Certificates PEM files] ☛ ## Protecting config file: /etc/ssl/certs/415660c1.0 ╠ ## Automerging config file, never modified: /etc/ssl/certs/415660c1.0 ☛ ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/a760e1bd.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛ ## /etc/ssl/certs/a8dee976.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛ ## /etc/ssl/certs/a94d09e5.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛ ## /etc/ssl/certs/ad088e1d.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛ ## /etc/ssl/certs/ae8153b9.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛ ## /etc/ssl/certs/ae8153b9.1 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛ ## /etc/ssl/certs/aee5f10d.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/b0e59380.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/b1159c4c.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/b13cc6df.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/b1b8a7f3.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/b204d74a.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/b66938e9.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/b727005e.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/b7a5b843.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/bb2d49a0.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/bd1910d4.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/c01cdfa2.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/c0ff1f52.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/c28a8a30.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/c47d9980.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/c5d3212a.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/c5e082db.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/c679bc3f.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/c99398f3.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/c9f83a1c.0 ☛  ## Protecting config file: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt ╠ ## Automerging config file, never modified: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/cb357862.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/cb59f961.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/cbeee9e2.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/cbf06781.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/cc450945.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/cd58d51e.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/cfa1c2ee.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/d4dae3dd.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/d6325660.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/d7e8dc79.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/d853d49e.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/d957f522.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/dc45b0bd.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/dd8e9d41.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/e113c810.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/e18bfb83.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/e2799e36.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/e36a6752.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/e536d871.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/e73d606e.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/e8de2f56.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/ee1365c0.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/ee64a828.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/eed8c118.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/ef2f636c.0 ☛ ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/ef954a4e.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/f060240e.0 ☛ ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/f081611a.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/f30dd6ad.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛  ## /etc/ssl/certs/f3377b1b.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛ ## /etc/ssl/certs/f387163d.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛ ## /etc/ssl/certs/f38a011e.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛ ## /etc/ssl/certs/f39fc864.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛ ## /etc/ssl/certs/f90208f7.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛ ## /etc/ssl/certs/fc5a8f99.0 ☛  ## Cannot protect broken symlink: ☛ ## /etc/ssl/certs/fcac10e3.0 ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-misc/ca-certificates-20160104.3.23 FileContentReader, broken readline(), executing fixup code u'\xc2\x91tan\xc3\x83\xc2\xbas\xc3\x83\xc2\xadtv\xc3\x83\xc2\xa1ny.crt\n' FileContentReader, broken readline(), executing fixup code u'\xc2\x91tan\xc3\x83\xc2\xbas\xc3\x83\xc2\xadtv\xc3\x83\xc2\xa1ny.pem\n' FileContentReader, broken readline(), executing fixup code u'\xc2\x91tan\xc3\x83\xc2\xbas\xc3\x83\xc2\xadtv\xc3\x83\xc2\xa1ny.crt\n' FileContentReader, broken readline(), executing fixup code u'\xc2\x91tan\xc3\x83\xc2\xbas\xc3\x83\xc2\xadtv\xc3\x83\xc2\xa1ny.pem\n' FileContentReader, broken readline(), executing fixup code u'\xc2\x91tan\xc3\x83\xc2\xbas\xc3\x83\xc2\xadtv\xc3\x83\xc2\xa1ny.crt\n' FileContentReader, broken readline(), executing fixup code u'\xc2\x91tan\xc3\x83\xc2\xbas\xc3\x83\xc2\xadtv\xc3\x83\xc2\xa1ny.pem\n' ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. FileContentReader, broken readline(), executing fixup code u'\xc2\x91tan\xc3\x83\xc2\xbas\xc3\x83\xc2\xadtv\xc3\x83\xc2\xa1ny.crt\n' FileContentReader, broken readline(), executing fixup code u'\xc2\x91tan\xc3\x83\xc2\xbas\xc3\x83\xc2\xadtv\xc3\x83\xc2\xa1ny.pem\n' FileContentReader, broken readline(), executing fixup code u'\xc2\x91tan\xc3\x83\xc2\xbas\xc3\x83\xc2\xadtv\xc3\x83\xc2\xa1ny.crt\n' FileContentReader, broken readline(), executing fixup code u'\xc2\x91tan\xc3\x83\xc2\xbas\xc3\x83\xc2\xadtv\xc3\x83\xc2\xa1ny.pem\n' ╠ ## Removing config file, never modified: /etc/ssl/certs/415660c1.1 >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: app-misc/ca-certificates-20160104.3.23 ╠ +++ >>> (53/67) app-crypt/p11-kit-0.23.2 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-crypt:p11-kit- ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Installing package: app-crypt/p11-kit-0.23.2 ╠ ## [Provides a standard configuration setup for installing PKCS#11] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-crypt/p11-kit-0.23.2 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Cleaning: app-crypt/p11-kit-0.23.2 ╠ +++ >>> (54/67) app-arch/rpm2targz- ╠ ## Unpacking: app-arch:rpm2targz- ╠ ## Installing package: app-arch/rpm2targz- ╠ ## [Convert a .rpm file to a .tar.gz archive] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-arch/rpm2targz- ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-arch/rpm2targz- ╠ +++ >>> (55/67) app-admin/equo-304 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-admin:equo-304.371c38ffef9e1997879502572b53e8540c72de62~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Installing package: app-admin/equo-304 ╠ ## [Entropy Package Manager text-based client] ☛ ## Protecting config file: /etc/entropy/client.conf ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-admin/equo-304 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ☛ ## Collision found during removal of: ☛  ## /etc/entropy/client.conf ╠ ## Cleaning: app-admin/equo-304 ╠ +++ >>> (56/67) app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-eselect:eselect-pinentry-0.7.451e9737865c75722570c77cb2cd0b15fab9d133~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7 ╠ ## [Manage /usr/bin/pinentry symlink] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7 ╠ +++ >>> (57/67) app-crypt/pinentry-base-0.9.5 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-crypt:pinentry-base- ╠ ## Installing package: app-crypt/pinentry-base-0.9.5 ╠ ## [Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Ass...] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-crypt/pinentry-base-0.9.5 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postremove tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified * If you want pinentry for Gtk+, please install app-crypt/pinentry-gtk. * If you want pinentry for Qt4, please install app-crypt/pinentry-qt4. ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ ## Cleaning: app-crypt/pinentry-base-0.9.5 ╠ +++ >>> (58/67) app-eselect/eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-eselect:eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1.a853cc14c11cf3d1bd4ab1b1c3c707226ea23c2a~2.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-eselect/eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1 ╠ ## [Utility to change the active Qt Graphics System] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-eselect/eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-eselect/eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1 ╠ +++ >>> (59/67) sys-kernel/linux-headers-4.3 ╠ ## Unpacking: sys-kernel:linux-headers-4.3.53f29897b3f7e092fd7eb5bc5ab7415164c4c0a2~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall ╠ ## Installing package: sys-kernel/linux-headers-4.3 ╠ ## [Linux system headers] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: sys-kernel/linux-headers-4.3 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postremove ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: sys-kernel/linux-headers-4.3 ╠ +++ >>> (60/67) app-admin/python-updater-0.14 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-admin:python-updater-0.14.97724f76b5147dc3a1059432246d4e22c8f9f5e5~2.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-admin/python-updater-0.14 ╠ ## [Script used to reinstall Python packages after changing active Python vers...] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-admin/python-updater-0.14 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: app-admin/python-updater-0.14 ╠ +++ >>> (61/67) dev-python/certifi-2016.8.31 ╠ ## Unpacking: dev-python:certifi-2016.8.31.ec347703373523bff5c452ee33bd532dac46d02e~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: dev-python/certifi-2016.8.31 ╠ ## [Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: dev-python/certifi-2016.8.31 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Cleaning: dev-python/certifi-2016.8.31 ╠ +++ >>> (62/67) app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.5 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-crypt:libsecret- ╠ ## Package phase: setup ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall ╠ ## Installing package: app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.5 ╠ ## [GObject library for accessing the Secret Service API] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.5 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postremove >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.5 ╠ +++ >>> (63/67) app-crypt/pinentry-gnome-0.9.5 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-crypt:pinentry-gnome-0.9.5.ecca680802e64d8dd04766a2b1c8ead9ab79a833~2.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-crypt/pinentry-gnome-0.9.5 ╠ ## [GNOME 3 frontend for pinentry] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-crypt/pinentry-gnome-0.9.5 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postremove tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified ╠ ## Cleaning: app-crypt/pinentry-gnome-0.9.5 ╠ +++ >>> (64/67) media-libs/libpng-1.6.25 ╠ ## Unpacking: media-libs:libpng- ╠ ## Installing package: media-libs/libpng-1.6.25 ╠ ## [Portable Network Graphics library] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: media-libs/libpng-1.6.25 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ☛ ## Protecting: /usr/lib/, library needed by: ☛ :: app-text/poppler-base-0.44.0 ☛ :: net-print/cups-filters-1.8.3 ☛ :: sys-libs/slang-2.3.0 ☛ :: app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.15-r1 ☛ :: media-libs/libpng-1.6.25 ☛ :: x11-libs/cairo-1.14.6 ☛ :: www-client/links-2.12-r1 ☛ :: x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.32.2 ☛ :: dev-qt/qtgui-5.6.1 ☛ :: media-libs/jbig2dec-0.11-r1 ☛ :: media-libs/freetype-2.6.3-r1 ☛ :: dev-qt/qtgui-4.8.7 ☛ :: media-libs/openjpeg-2.1.0-r1 ☛ :: Removing library: /usr/lib/ [, 1] >>> Regenerating /etc/ >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Cleaning: media-libs/libpng-1.6.25 ╠ +++ >>> (65/67) www-client/links-2.12-r2 ╠ ## Unpacking: www-client:links-2.12-r2.8e2f79a373045630eb2e74b85c96dfe1422d167c~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: www-client/links-2.12-r2 ╠ ## [A fast and lightweight web browser running in both graphics and text mode] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: www-client/links-2.12-r2 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postremove * Updating desktop mime database ... ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * Updating desktop mime database ... ╠ ## Cleaning: www-client/links-2.12-r2 ╠ +++ >>> (66/67) sys-libs/timezone-data-2016f ╠ ## Unpacking: sys-libs:timezone-data-2016f.d9f1bdb0c9e8b30d6486748182d145bc638e0d06~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall ╠ ## Installing package: sys-libs/timezone-data-2016f ╠ ## [Timezone data (/usr/share/zoneinfo) and utilities (tzselect/zic/zdump)] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: sys-libs/timezone-data-2016f ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * You do not have TIMEZONE set in /etc/timezone. * Skipping auto-update of /etc/localtime. ╠ ## Cleaning: sys-libs/timezone-data-2016f ╠ +++ >>> (67/67) app-arch/cpio-2.12-r1 ╠ ## Unpacking: app-arch:cpio-2.12-r1.3740277ca869aaa75786e49387d806d92cebeccd~1.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: app-arch/cpio-2.12-r1 ╠ ## [A file archival tool which can also read and write tar files] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: app-arch/cpio-2.12-r1 ╠ ## Cleaning previously installed application data. ╠ # Installing info: /usr/share/info/ ╠ ## Cleaning: app-arch/cpio-2.12-r1 ╠ @@ Installation complete. ╠ :: (0.2%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (9.1%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (9.3%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (9.5%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (9.7%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (9.9%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (19.2%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (19.4%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (19.6%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (19.8%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (29.1%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (29.3%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (29.5%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (29.7%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (29.9%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (39.2%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (39.4%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (39.6%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (39.8%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (49.1%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (49.3%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (49.5%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (49.7%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (49.9%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (59.2%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (59.4%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (59.6%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (59.8%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (69.1%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (69.3%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (69.5%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (69.7%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (69.9%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (79.2%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (79.4%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (79.6%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (79.8%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (89.1%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (89.3%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (89.5%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (89.7%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (89.9%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (99.2%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (99.4%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (99.6%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (99.8%) Calculating updates :: ╠ :: (100.0%) Calculating updates :: ╠ @@ Nothing to remove. ╠ @@ Scanning configuration files to update ╠ Found update: /etc/._cfg0000_hosts ╠ Found update: /etc/entropy/._cfg0000_client.conf ☛ There are 2 configuration files needing update ☛ Please run: equo conf update ╠ @@ Scanning filesystem... ╠ Found update: /etc/._cfg0000_hosts ╠ Found update: /etc/entropy/._cfg0000_client.conf ╠ (1) file: /etc/._cfg0000_hosts ╠ (2) file: /etc/entropy/._cfg0000_client.conf ╠ Please choose a file to update by typing its identification number. ╠ Other options are: ╠ (-1) Exit ╠ (-3) Automerge all the files asking you one by one ╠ (-5) Automerge all the files without questioning ╠ (-7) Discard all the files asking you one by one ╠ (-9) Discard all the files without questioning Your choice (type a number and press enter): ╠ Source file: /etc/._cfg0000_hosts ╠ Destination file: /etc/hosts !!! copy /etc/._cfg0000_hosts -> /etc/hosts failed. !!! OSError(16, 'Device or resource busy') ☛ Cannot merge: /etc/._cfg0000_hosts ╠ -- ╠ Source file: /etc/entropy/._cfg0000_client.conf ╠ Destination file: /etc/entropy/client.conf ╠ -- ╠ @@ Calculating dependencies... ╠ :: (50.0%) Sorting dependencies :: ╠ :: (100.0%) Sorting dependencies :: ╠ ## [N] [sabayon-limbo] sys-apps/sysvinit-2.88-r9|0 ╠ ## [N] [] sys-apps/openrc-0.21.7|0 ╠ ## [N] [] net-misc/netifrc-0.3.1|0 ╠ ## [W] [from:] sys-apps/systemd-sysv-utils-217 ╠ @@ Packages needing to be installed/updated/downgraded: 3 ╠ @@ Packages needing to be removed: 1 ╠ @@ Download size: 532.3kB ╠ @@ Used disk space: 2.0MB ╠ @@ You need at least: 3.1MB of free space ╠ ::: >>> (1/1) 3 packages ╠ ## Downloading: 3 packages ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) [sys-apps:sysvinit-2.88-r9.36804fc1fc993c1107a284d2bc9d69ae05123e61~0.tbz2] @ ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) [sys-apps:openrc-] @ ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) [net-misc:netifrc-0.3.1.b891214c4cec0114f96792eff7b3cb7c7f8ead8f~0.tbz2] @ ╠ ## Aggregated download: 3 items ╠ # [1] => sys-apps:sysvinit-2.88-r9.36804fc1fc993c1107a284d2bc9d69ae05123e61~0.tbz2 ╠ # [2] => sys-apps:openrc- ╠ # [3] => net-misc:netifrc-0.3.1.b891214c4cec0114f96792eff7b3cb7c7f8ead8f~0.tbz2 ╠ 8.2/633.5 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 28.1kB/sec : ETA: ~36s ╠ 16.4/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 51.5kB/sec : ETA: ~46s ╠ 24.6/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 75.1kB/sec : ETA: ~16s ╠ 32.8/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 99.6kB/sec : ETA: ~10s ╠ 41.0/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 123.9kB/sec : ETA: ~10s ╠ 49.2/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 148.0kB/sec : ETA: ~10s ╠ 57.3/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 159.5kB/sec : ETA: ~2s ╠ 65.5/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 181.4kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 73.7/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 203.2kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 81.9/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 224.8kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 90.1/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 244.7kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 98.3/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 265.8kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 106.5/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 286.8kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 114.7/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 307.6kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 122.9/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 328.3kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 131.1/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 348.7kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 139.3/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 345.5kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 147.5/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 364.4kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 155.6/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 379.8kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 163.8/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 398.3kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 172.0/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 416.7kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 180.2/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 435.0kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 188.4/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 453.1kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 196.6/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 471.0kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 204.8/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 463.0kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 213.0/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 479.2kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 221.2/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 494.9kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 229.4/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 511.2kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 237.6/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 526.2kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 245.8/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 542.4kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 254.0/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 557.6kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 262.1/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 572.9kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 270.3/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 588.6kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 278.5/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 603.8kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 286.7/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 619.4kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 294.9/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 635.0kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 303.1/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 623.4kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 311.3/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 638.1kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 319.5/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 652.8kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 327.7/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 666.1kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 335.9/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 680.5kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 344.1/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 693.3kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 352.3/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 707.9kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 360.4/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 720.1kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 368.6/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 733.4kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 376.8/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 747.5kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 385.0/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 760.5kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 393.2/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 774.2kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 401.4/810.7 kB <-> 0% [> ] => 787.9kB/sec : ETA: ~0s ╠ 409.6/1195.9 kB <-> 34% [===> ] => 792.1kB/sec : ETA: 43s ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [net-misc:netifrc-0.3.1.b891214c4cec0114f96792eff7b3cb7c7f8ead8f~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [net-misc:netifrc-0.3.1.b891214c4cec0114f96792eff7b3cb7c7f8ead8f~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [sys-apps:openrc-] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [sys-apps:openrc-] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ## Checking package checksum... ╠ : [sys-apps:sysvinit-2.88-r9.36804fc1fc993c1107a284d2bc9d69ae05123e61~0.tbz2] GPG validated ╠ : SHA1 disabled ╠ : [sys-apps:sysvinit-2.88-r9.36804fc1fc993c1107a284d2bc9d69ae05123e61~0.tbz2] SHA256 validated ╠ : SHA512 disabled ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) [sys-apps:sysvinit-2.88-r9.36804fc1fc993c1107a284d2bc9d69ae05123e61~0.tbz2] success @ ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) [sys-apps:openrc-] success @ ╠ ## ( mirror #1 ) [net-misc:netifrc-0.3.1.b891214c4cec0114f96792eff7b3cb7c7f8ead8f~0.tbz2] success @ ╠ ## Aggregated transfer rate: 1.2MB/second ╠ +++ >>> (1/3) sys-apps/sysvinit-2.88-r9 ╠ / Calculating inverse dependencies for sys-apps/systemd-sysv-utils-217 ╠ - Calculating inverse dependencies for app-misc/sabayon-version-16.09 ╠ ## Removing: sys-apps/systemd-sysv-utils-217 ╠ ## Removing from Entropy: sys-apps/systemd-sysv-utils-217 ╠ ## Unpacking: sys-apps:sysvinit-2.88-r9.36804fc1fc993c1107a284d2bc9d69ae05123e61~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: sys-apps/sysvinit-2.88-r9 ╠ ## [/sbin/init - parent of all processes] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: sys-apps/sysvinit-2.88-r9 ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * The last/lastb/mesg/mountpoint/sulogin/utmpdump/wall tools have been moved to * sys-apps/util-linux. The pidof tool has been moved to sys-process/procps. ╠ ## Cleaning: sys-apps/sysvinit-2.88-r9 ╠ +++ >>> (2/3) sys-apps/openrc-0.21.7 ╠ ## Unpacking: sys-apps:openrc- ╠ ## Package phase: preinstall * Auto-adding 'termencoding' service to your boot runlevel * Auto-adding 'swapfiles' service to your boot runlevel * Auto-adding 'sysfs' service to your sysinit runlevel * Auto-adding 'tmpfiles.setup' service to your boot runlevel * Auto-adding 'loopback' service to your boot runlevel * Auto-adding '' service to your sysinit runlevel * Auto-adding 'binfmt' service to your boot runlevel * Auto-adding 'mtab' service to your boot runlevel ╠ ## Installing package: sys-apps/openrc-0.21.7 ╠ ## [OpenRC manages the services, startup and shutdown of a host] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: sys-apps/openrc-0.21.7 >>> Regenerating /etc/ ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall * The OpenRC dependency data was migrated successfully. mkdir `/run/openrc/starting': No such file or directory mkdir `/run/openrc/started': No such file or directory mkdir `/run/openrc/stopping': No such file or directory mkdir `/run/openrc/inactive': No such file or directory mkdir `/run/openrc/wasinactive': No such file or directory mkdir `/run/openrc/failed': No such file or directory mkdir `/run/openrc/hotplugged': No such file or directory mkdir `/run/openrc/daemons': No such file or directory mkdir `/run/openrc/options': No such file or directory mkdir `/run/openrc/exclusive': No such file or directory mkdir `/run/openrc/scheduled': No such file or directory mkdir `/run/openrc/tmp': No such file or directory fopen `/run/openrc/deptree': No such file or directory fopen `/run/openrc/depconfig': No such file or directory * Failed to update the dependency tree [ !! ] * failed to load deptree * Caching service dependencies ...╠ ## Cleaning: sys-apps/openrc-0.21.7 ╠ +++ >>> (3/3) net-misc/netifrc-0.3.1 ╠ ## Unpacking: net-misc:netifrc-0.3.1.b891214c4cec0114f96792eff7b3cb7c7f8ead8f~0.tbz2 ╠ ## Installing package: net-misc/netifrc-0.3.1 ╠ ## [Gentoo Network Interface Management Scripts] ╠ ## Updating installed packages repository: net-misc/netifrc-0.3.1 ╠ ## Package phase: postinstall ╠ ## Cleaning: net-misc/netifrc-0.3.1 ╠ @@ Installation complete. ╠ @@ Scanning configuration files to update ╠ Found update: /etc/._cfg0000_hosts ☛ There is 1 configuration file needing update ☛ Please run: equo conf update ╠ ## [M] sys-apps/systemd-sysv-utils ╠ -> sys-apps/systemd-sysv-utils-217 ╠ ## [M] app-misc/sabayon-version ╠ -> app-misc/sabayon-version-16.09 ☛ !!! ☛ !!! Warning: sys-apps/systemd-sysv-utils action not executed. ☛ !!! ☛ !!! ☛ !!! Warning: app-misc/sabayon-version action not executed. ☛ !!! ╠ Have a nice day. ╠ @@ Scanning filesystem... ╠ Found update: /etc/._cfg0000_hosts ╠ (1) file: /etc/._cfg0000_hosts ╠ Please choose a file to update by typing its identification number. ╠ Other options are: ╠ (-1) Exit ╠ (-3) Automerge all the files asking you one by one ╠ (-5) Automerge all the files without questioning ╠ (-7) Discard all the files asking you one by one ╠ (-9) Discard all the files without questioning Your choice (type a number and press enter): ╠ Source file: /etc/._cfg0000_hosts ╠ Destination file: /etc/hosts !!! copy /etc/._cfg0000_hosts -> /etc/hosts failed. !!! OSError(16, 'Device or resource busy') ☛ Cannot merge: /etc/._cfg0000_hosts ╠ -- ╠ Cleaning /var/tmp/entropy directory... ╠ Cleaning /var/lib/entropy/client/packages/packages directory... ╠ Cleaned: 27 files and directories ---> 1dec27cfb25d Removing intermediate container cc53e6005507 Step 6 : ENV HOME /root ---> Running in 92b167cbe94e ---> e9891e7e0030 Removing intermediate container 92b167cbe94e Step 7 : WORKDIR / ---> Running in a83e55d22f96 ---> 62770cfa3ba2 Removing intermediate container a83e55d22f96 Successfully built 62770cfa3ba2 The push refers to a repository [] 85c3330f15dd: Preparing 5ca90429892f: Preparing 33276f2aeeb7: Preparing 275258b25758: Preparing 2ed8cb6c1448: Preparing de2206846900: Preparing dc376daf5a5a: Preparing 94c3f4e69bb5: Preparing 49edbd3da558: Preparing 4df5d36a987a: Preparing de2206846900: Waiting dc376daf5a5a: Waiting 94c3f4e69bb5: Waiting 49edbd3da558: Waiting 4df5d36a987a: Waiting 33276f2aeeb7: Mounted from sabayon/rpi-mate-armhfp 2ed8cb6c1448: Mounted from sabayon/rpi-mate-armhfp 275258b25758: Mounted from sabayon/rpi-mate-armhfp de2206846900: Mounted from sabayon/rpi-mate-armhfp dc376daf5a5a: Mounted from sabayon/rpi-mate-armhfp 94c3f4e69bb5: Mounted from sabayon/rpi-mate-armhfp 49edbd3da558: Mounted from sabayon/rpi-mate-armhfp 4df5d36a987a: Mounted from sabayon/rpi-mate-armhfp 5ca90429892f: Pushed 85c3330f15dd: Pushed latest: digest: sha256:ac68859095b4a24aac4fa4bb93baf2e1e0fc3eb309ea2c3473a314e777b898af size: 2418