Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.12 kB Step 1 : FROM sabayon/rpi-armhfp ---> 496902146891 Step 2 : MAINTAINER mudler ---> Using cache ---> 700588405e62 Step 3 : ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 ---> Using cache ---> 27be98b68c31 Step 4 : ADD ./scripts/ / ---> Using cache ---> 7f85081fcf83 Step 5 : RUN /bin/bash / && rm -rf / ---> Using cache ---> bcce09b74c06 Step 6 : ENV HOME /root ---> Using cache ---> f5f467f00a22 Step 7 : WORKDIR / ---> Using cache ---> 535c7ec75341 Successfully built 535c7ec75341 The push refers to a repository [] 77397233d4ca: Preparing d8a93f18f982: Preparing 7ada5e9eb241: Preparing 86cb1f660456: Preparing c01f9b978e85: Preparing de2206846900: Preparing 0fa87f37e548: Preparing b9f55fade205: Preparing 49edbd3da558: Preparing 4df5d36a987a: Preparing b9f55fade205: Waiting 49edbd3da558: Waiting de2206846900: Waiting 4df5d36a987a: Waiting 0fa87f37e548: Waiting