-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SliTaz GNU/Linux mirror - http://www.slitaz.org/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * /boot --> Files used to boot from boot.slitaz.org. * /iso --> Bootable ISO images. * /packages --> Packages *.tazpkg for SliTaz. * /pxe --> The menu files used by the PXE boot. * /sources --> Tools and utilities distributed by SliTaz. * rolling-date.sh displays date of current rolling ISO. SliTaz is a small free Linux distribution operating in memory (RAM). Linux Kernel, Busybox, and free software from the GNU project are used. Web site: www.kernel.org, www.busybox.net, and www.gnu.org. Copyright (c) 2007-2025 SliTaz GNU/Linux - GNU General Public License SliTaz GNU/Linux is distributing under the GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License, or (at your opinion) any later version. ____ _ _ _____ / ___|| (_)_ _|_ _ ____ \___ \| | | | |/ _` |_ / ___) | | | | | (_| |/ / |____/|_|_| |_|\__,_/___| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------