The configuration databases


The most important database is the (master) configuration database. This database describes how the system should operate; the type of Internet access to use, how email should be handled, and so on.

The configuration database contains a mix of simple and complex entries, although all new entries are complex entries.


Account details are stored in the accounts database, as complex entries. We classify accounts into several types, including:


The domains database shows the domains handled by this server, including information about how to handle web requests, and the DNS servers for the domain.


The networks database details the networks which should be treated as local by this server. Local networks have additional access rights which are denied for other networks.


The hosts database decribes all hosts/machines known to this server and is used to generate DHCP and DNS configuration.

Other configuration databases

There are several other configuration databases stored with the ones listed above, and the system design allows for additional databases to be created as required.