Instructions for using import. Import is a tool to convert Debian packages to
dCore's sce package format. We begin by using the command line tool tce.

Note: This README assumes that you have completed the SDCARD setup with
TCE directory and networking. (README-1st.txt)

Step 1. The import utility is included in the base dCore, so at the $ prompt type:

sce-import links

The first time sce-import is called, the Debian Wheezy Master Index will be downloaded to your tce directory. Upon subsequent calls zsync will ensure that the index is kept up to date and will do so quite quickly. 

Follow the prompts to convert links into a sce.

This is just a start. Many packages are avilable by using the importsce tool...most of the vast Debian repository.

To load an sce use the command line tool:

sce-import links

To actually run links type:


importsce also supports three flags:
-b  will add the package to the sceboot.lst (on boot)
-o  will add the package to the ondemand menu, makes for faster booting.
-l  will build an sce based on a list of packages.
-r  will use /tmp directory in RAM for unpacking source debs.
-s  will list sizes of packages to be fetched and installed.
-d  will make use of existing SCEs as dependencies.
-n  will make use of non-interactive mode.
-u  will make use of update mode, the default behavior overriding the "-p" preserve mode.
-p  will make use of preserve mode utilizing the existing DEBINX files for better performance.