Current Features

So, what does feh do? For a full description, the current output of "feh --help" can be found at FehHelp, some example output can be seen at ExampleOutput and this is a basic summary of feh's current features (I am continually adding more):

  • Simple image viewing.
    • feh {image} loads and displays that image.
  • Multiple image viewing (slideshow).
    • feh {images}... loads and displays the first image, and then key controls, mouse clicks or mouse-wheel turns change slides. You can also specify a delay so that feh changes slides for you after X seconds
  • Multiple image viewing in multiwindows.
    • feh -w {images}... loads and displays each image in its own feh window.
  • Image viewing in fullscreen.
    • Fullscreen mode for slideshows or single images. Also a booth mode to change the fullscreen image periodically
  • Image list mode.
    • Feh can output an 'ls' style listing of the images specified, including image parameters such as width, height, size etc. Useful in scripts.
  • Loadable/unloadable listing.
    • Feh can list either all the loadable images from those specified, or all the unloadable images. Useful for preening a directory of dud images.
  • Recursive file opening.
    • Open every file in a directory structure? Sure, just feh -r directory. It'll ignore files it can't recognise as images. Also, in slideshow mode, feh only keeps one image in memory at a time, so you can happily do "feh -r /" and be sure not to bring your box to its knees.
  • Sorting of the filelist
    • Having built an image list from the images/directories you specify, feh can sort it via a number of parameters. From filename/imagename through to width, height or pixel size and more. Useful to see images in resolution or size order...
  • Saving/loading filelists
    • Just like an mp3 player, feh can save and load filelists. This is great in combination with sorting options or recursive file opening, as it stores the results for speedy re-use. You can use it to organise your images.
  • Loading images via http.
    • Specify a url as a filename, and feh will download the file (using wget, which you must have installed for this feature to work) and view it, optionally keeping the file afterwards.
  • Reloading after delay.
    • Especially useful for viewing webcam images via http, the reload options lets you reload the image with caching disabled after every X seconds, where you specify X.
  • Montage creation.
    • feh -m {images}... creates a montage image containing snapshots of all the images you specify. There are a huge number of commandline options to control the behaviour of this mode.
  • Collage creation.
    • Feh can create collages too. Similar to montages, but with random image placement.
  • Index print creation.
    • Creates an index print showing snapshots of all images, with the filename, filesize and pixel size of each image underneath it.
  • Thumbnail browser.
    • Show an thumbnail index of the specified files, each thumbnail may be clicked to open the specified file in a new window. The thumbnail management spec is supported. (shared thumbnail caching)
  • In-place editing
    • Rotate images in place for quick re-orientation. *new* For jpegs, rotation is lossless using the lossless JPEG rotation algorithms. Exif information is also preserved.
  • Background setting
    • Set your X background, tiled, scaled, centered or seamlessly, keeping state in window managers that support it and offering state preservation for wms that don't.

For viewing images, feh has the following features:

  • Dynamic zooming.
    • Hold the middle mouse button to dynamically zoom in and out of the image smoothly in realtime. This is thanks to the power of the imlib2 library.
  • Panning.
    • Hold the left mouse button to pan around the image.
  • Rotation.
    • Hold CTRL and the middle mouse button to rotate the image.
  • Smooth/sharpen.
    • Hold CTRL and the left mouse button to smooth/sharpen the image.
  • Key or mouse control.
    • Images can be deleted from the viewer, slideshows can be controlled via the keyboard.
  • Context menus.
    • For accessing useful features and image info.
  • Caption overlay
    • Captions can be read and overlayed on the image, and even edited from feh.
