Chapter 7. Actions and events

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An action is a program, frequently written in a scripting language, which performs a single task. It is typically an encapsulation of a task usually done by a system administrator, such as editing a configuration file or reconfiguring a service. Actions are not called directly; they are always called by signalling an event.

The actions are stored in the /etc/e-smith/events/actions/ directory. These actions are then linked into the relevant events as the same action may need to be performed in more than one event.. To create a new action called myaction you simply create a program to perform the action myaction and save it as /etc/e-smith/events/actions/myaction . Actions can be written in any programming language, although additional platform support is provided for Perl code.

An example action script is set-external-ip which is called when the external IP address changes. Here's the body of that script (at time of writing):

package esmith;

use strict;
use Errno;
use esmith::ConfigDB;

my $db = esmith::ConfigDB->open or die "Couldn't open ConfigDB\n";

my $event = $ARGV[0];
my $newip = $ARGV[1];

$db->set_value('ExternalIP', $newip);
$db->set_prop('ExternalInterface', 'IPAddress', $newip);

exit 0;

This script sets the ExternalIP value and the IPAddress property of the ExternalInterface record in the configuration database to the value provided as a parameter. The $event parameter is not used in this particular script.

Note: The two records exist due to an partial migration from simple to complex entries in the configuration database. Setting both values in this script avoids the need to perform database migration in the ip-change event.

Action script parameters

Action scripts are always called with at least one parameter; the name of the current event. Many action scripts, such as set-external-ip , are called with a single additional parameter. This parameter is usually a configuration database key, for example the username being modified or the new IP address.

Action scripts rarely require more than two parameters.The details should be stored in the configuration database(s) and only the key should be passed to the action scripts. Events are not meant to be used as function calls. All configuration details must be stored in the configuration databases and the database key passed as the parameter to the action. This allows other scripts to be added to the event.

Since the SME Server passes the name of the current event as the first parameter, it is often beneficial to write action scripts which are polymorphic based on the event name. For example, the code to create a user and the code to modify an existing user may be only slightly different and may well benefit from being in a single script.