Fatdog64-812 Release Notes
Fatdog64-812 was released on 9 November 2021
Changes from 811:
- Linux-5.4.152, low-latency, 1000Hz
- Microcode as of 2021.10.07
- Timezone data updated to 2021.a (as of April 2021)
- LICK Windows Installer 1.3.4
- gawk 5.1.0
- openssl 1.1.1l
- GNU TLS 3.6.16
- cmake 3.18.4 (devx)
- unrar 6.0.5
- civetweb 1.14
- wpa_supplicant 2.9
- make-ca 1.7 and lfs-cacert-2021.10 (addresses LetsEncrypt DST X3 Root expiration)
- pixman 0.40.0
- libdrm 2.4.107
- llvm 8.0.1 (for Mesa)
- vdpau 1.4 (for Mesa)
- mesa 20.3.5
- libva 2.12.0
- xorg-server 1.20.13
- xf86-input-wacom 0.40.0
- xf86-video-nouveau 1.7
- xf86-video-vesa 2.5.0
- cairo 1.17.4
- gtk2 2.24.33 (final version of gtk2)
- libwacom 1.12
- libinput 1.19.0
- xf86-input-libinput 1.1.0
- rxvt-unicode 9.26
- feh 3.7.2
- rox-filer-jun7 2021.09
- xdialog 2020.10
- tigervnc 1.11.0
- geany 1.36
- mtpain 3.50.09
- lftp 4.9.2
- git 2.3.1 (devx)
- python-pycairo 1.18.2 (devx)
- gtkdialog-2021.514
- pidgin 2.14.5
- vlc 3.0.16
- libneon 0.31.2
- ntfs-3g 2017.3.23AR (April 2021 release)
- bluez-alsa 3.0
- hardinfo 2021.04.11
- vnstat 2.6
- mbpfan 2.2.1
- qemu-arm-x86_64 6.0.0 (devx)
- refind 0.13.2
- transmission 3.00
- avidemux 2.7.8
- libreoffice (because libreoffice 7.1 sucks)
- imgjoin 1.1
- uextract 4.6
- dialog 1.3.2021.11
- mawk
- openssh 8.8p
- syslinux 6.04pre2deb3
- yad_gtk2 0.42.42
- gnupg1 1.4.23
- bluez-tools 2021.11
New Features:
- apfs-fuse 2021.06 (for accessing macOS APFS partitions)
- libwebp 0.0.3 - for viewing static and animated WEBP images
- imlib-webp-1.1.2 - webp support for imlib
- iftop 1.04pre4 - like "top" but for network interface traffic (similar to iptraf)
- florence 0.5.4 on-screen keyboard, replacing xvkbd (xvkbd still available in repo)
- desktop-wallpaper 1.0 - a new, desktop wallpaper setter and slideshow player, supporting WEBP images, replacing the venerable Nathan's wallpaper setter (which is still available in the repo).
- getjava.sh script now can be updated to handle java website's ever changing layout format
- Fatdog control panel vertical layout and new tab structure
- rox thumbnails support WEBP image format. In order to see thumbnails in rox, a user needs to enable " Thumbnails > show image thumbnails" in rox options; thumbnails are then drawn in new windows.
- ROX drive icons and filemnt support LUKS partition images transparently
- Network Tool supports hidden SSIDs.
- ALSA Loop sound server
- Simple Bluetooth Manager
and numerous bug fixes and fine tunings, in particular some of the nastier running-in-RAM bugs have been squashed.
Changes from 812 RC:
- dialog 1.3.2021.11
- mawk
- openssh 8.8p
- syslinux 6.04pre2deb3
- libwebp-pixbuf-loader which supports animated image
- yad_gtk2 0.42.42
- gnupg1 1.4.23
- bluez-tools 2021.11
New Features:
- ALSA Loop sound server
- Simple Bluetooth Manager
and numerous bug fixes and fine tunings found during RC releases. Thank you to all the testers.